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Burk - 3866
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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Wednesday, June 19 2024 - 11:07 PM
By: Neoriceisgood


Ouchi we makin Piper Pepperoni.

42320: Otter Claw - Wednesday, June 19 2024 - 11:42 PM

Oh no... this is a severely dangerous situation for her.

Another sad point is that this fool is not "evil" like many others who work for this nation, but he's too much a tool to realize something is wrong and just following his orders blindly.

42321: sporf - Thursday, June 20 2024 - 2:56 AM

Piper, you can't hesitate like that. Fill the bubble with fire. It sounded like you were immune to your own power before, so it seems like the ideal situation here.
I'm guessing she was just singeing mooks and perhaps isn't as keen as she seems about actually killing someone, especially face to face. Just guessing here though, she had been presented as reasonably tough, though she's only fought mooks so far. She dueled Burk, but I don't think he ever took a swing at her.

42322: Tom - Wednesday, June 19 2024 - 7:57 PM

@Neorice - Your dark humor kinda gives away that she won't die from this :P

42323: Jetrel - Wednesday, June 19 2024 - 8:33 PM

I smell something coming: https://www.neorice.com/hoh/burk/799

42324: Silver - Thursday, June 20 2024 - 4:34 AM

Oh crap! She better have some symbol or badge or something that proves she is who she says she is or this won't end well for her.

42325: aye - Thursday, June 20 2024 - 9:48 AM

rest in peace, piper.
Big dude means bussiness. reminds me of crossbow bro, in noah story.

42326: Sporf - Thursday, June 20 2024 - 3:49 PM

Actually now that look back at Piper's introduction, she did get bested by Guy and the Judge said she didn't have as much combat experience as he did, though I figure he probably has a lot.

Also, the Judge's powers were granted by an amulet, are Pipers? I had assumed hers were natural as she was the Mage King's cousin while the Judge was just a trusted advisor, but looking back it seemed that the late Mage Baron also had an amulet.

42327: Kiithnaras - Thursday, June 20 2024 - 11:26 AM

@Sporf - Piper seems to cast from her staff, and being a relative of the Mage King, I suspect her powers are innate to herself. The Judge is a unique case since he basically borrows power from the King through the power of the amulet, and the amulet has a security measure. It makes sense that Ludwig, holding the office and title of a Baron, would have a similar amulet borrowing some of the King's power even in spite of having some abilities of his own ostensibly. Piper, not having any of that, just has her own juice to rely on.

42331: Potatopeelerkind - Friday, June 21 2024 - 4:30 AM

Oh, she just got Sari'd.

Anyone remember Sari? I remember Sari.

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