Sunday, May 14 2023 - 3:40 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Your many, many crimes.
A full confession to a respected authority figure, that's a wrap folks!
I hope you all enjoyed the Eddstadt arc, surely the executives will now willingly surrender.
That thing on the Bald guys head moves around his face. MAGIC USER? or just mirrored face. Btw have a good day everybody :D
Called it!
And Burke doesn't need to fight the powers of a hundred heroes. Grey hair suits the diplomat though, very handsome. Time for the death game again?
Pablo must be amazing at vocal imitations.
Check and mate. Can't wait for the next Burk chapter! Thank you Neorice.
Check and mate. Can't wait for the next Burk chapter! Thank you Neorice.
Dudes in suits got PABLO'D!!!
Nice reveal.
Still not sure it isn't Guy, in double subversion. â¸
Hmm, I've kind of been assuming that Pablo was being fed lines through a radio or something, but looks like he was talking on his own.
That he was a disguise artist, we knew from him disguising Piper, but I didn't expect him to be able to effectively copy a personality such as Evyle's. Are you sure you aren't actually a spy, Pablo?
@HexaDoken - And what makes you think that diplomats AREN'T spies? With all those gadgets and whatnot, plus the fact that diplomats often doubled spies historically.
Dang I was for sure it was Guy
I shouldn't have been surprised, Pablo is a master of disguise. But damn he is also good at impersonation.
Fair enough, seems I was wrong. I guess this makes more sense. We know Pablo took the cat to Mastermind HQ, but had no reason to suspect Guy was there.
Also, Guy wouldn't want to risk his face being seen by this many important people.
Pablo is a diplomat so he should be legally okay for doing this. On the other hand, the evil crime ppl are gonna wanna punish him. Thank goodness Burk is coming.
That thing on the Bald guys head moves around his face. MAGIC USER? or just mirrored face. Btw have a good day everybody :D
Congratulations to readers who guessed right that Pablo was impersonating Evyle !
@HexaDoken there's not a huge difference between a diplomat and a spy, after all. At least, when hostilities break out, the first thing to do is to accuse the other side's diplomats of being spies XD
it's MR. Two-Arms!
I love to see the return of favorite diplomat.
Even in the slightly cursed combo of beard with Evyle hair.
Ok, that was my second guess.
i still think it's Guy who's impersonating both Pablo and Evyle
omg I thought it was Pablo at first but then dismissed the idea because Mixette talked about that guy knowing her childhood name...
So actually the switcheroo happened later, and Pablo could not disguise his face, huh