Thursday, March 11 2021 - 2:10 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

What is that thing?!
Dear readers,
I would like to formally give my apology for yesterday's apology. What was meant to be a silly tongue-in-cheek joke has resulted in much confusion, outrage and speculation. It was in no way meant to be a serious apology and was in no way instigated by overly strident or offended readers.
I would like to clarify for concerned readers that I also did not mean to actively imply we won't see Noah for the next 2 years of comic content. Rest assured, he will be seen again within a 2 year timespan.
I hope you can all accept this apology for the apology and will continue reading the comic.
Kind regards and enjoy today's page!
Guido "Neoriceisgood" Bos.
Dear author
Your apologies are appreciated. They help us to understand and to know, not only what you have done, but also what we can do better.
I would like to formally apologize for the way that this community is behaving. It is shameful, truly shameful, that we would ever think of interpreting anything you say in any way other than the way you intended it! This is a horrific scandal, one which I myself am guilty of partaking in.
We can do better. We must do better! I promise that from this point forward we will understand everything you say, and recognize the meaning you intended to give it. Never again will we draw a conclusion we were not supposed to draw, and never again will we treat as serious that which is joking. That would be criminal!
Thank you for all that you do
They're dead.
Apologies, Apologies everywhere. Holy crap. Honestly, you got nothing to apologise for. If anyone needs to apologise it's these apology warriors that blow your joke apologies out of proportions. NOT saying there are many downright incomprehensible apologies out there, but come on! It's a webcomic comments section, NOAH is kind of bad at apologising (until much later I imagine) but you can apologise for whatever the F you please.
Thanks for the clarification Neorice.
Above comment doesn't apply to all readers. Only the one making the comment.
We're all individual who like the comic.
I love the starled look. What would a cannon be called? Catnon? Catinator 5000? So cool sprite.
Now THAT is a Golden Gun you gotta respect!
Its the CATastrophe cannon! RUN!
Didn't see a comment yet about this so: It's the catnnon!
@Ashton If you're referring to my previous comment, it was a reference to an odd comment on the previous page (with some words switched around). Nobody take it seriously, please.
ultimate attack : golden Catnnon
No kill like OVERKILL
Damn. I respected it for being an admission of genuine error and just assumed that the rest was foreshadowing that Noah trips again in exactly 366 pages.
Dear Director,
I want to thank you in advance for your open response to our sub-committee's request for more apologies. We were... disappointed that Noa was reported to not fall over for a total 366 pages. We had hoped there would be at least one blunder left that could shed some laughs on the situation. I know that your platform has enjoyed a high degree of freedom with very little scrutiny in the past few years. It is not our intention to disrupt such a..."progressive" sprite comic, but instead to find a way we can work together in a manner that befits all our responsibilities. I am certain that you will agree. And we look forward to making this comment section as painless as we possibly can.
Quick! To the Authorial Overanalyzator!
As for that catnnon, that's one uggly bugger. Catz definitely needs help with his designs.
You're awesome, that tank is awesome, cats are awesome
Yay world
@Neorice - Please stop apologizing, there was nothing to apologize for to start with. Don't let a loud minority force you to do stuff.
Now that that's out of the way, would you look at DAT GUN.
Its a giant hairdryer of course. Cats really hate water.
Catz is great =)
@Neo: Could you start a "Catz"-arc? ;)
This looks like a setup for Fuuka to step in and save the day.
Anyone know how much time has passed? I don't.
Dat editing of my comment about you not having anything to apologize for is awesome :)
@Tom Personally, I think the apologies are funny.
@Neorice I can't believe we're going to see nothing but Noah for the next two years.
I seem to have missed some non-controversy? I'm here for the comic (which is awesome) and sometimes I read the author's comment. Noah tripping is comical, and I know very well he wouldn't be useful whether he tripped or not.
Don't let anyone get you down, joke around as much as you want.
Oh yeah, is that gun made of gold? I'm still a bit confused about how much Free Magic and Pandemonium Magic can affect gold. It was implied that gold is entirely immune to magic (especially the Baron's golden vault), but we've seen at least one mage (possibly more) who is able to straight-up create gold, and Ariara seemed to be able to levitate gold.
There is no such thing as overkill. There is only "Open fire" and "I need to reload". - Schlock Mercenary
Well this isn't good. I fear Window's cowardice has come close to getting everyone killed. But can the cannon cope with the jam?
So it'll only be a year and a half or so of pure Tobi/Burk then? Could be worse I suppose, but...
Failure to publish an Apology for the Apology for the Apology will be a missed opportunity in my mind. : )