By: Neoriceisgood
Dear readers,
From reading the various comments throughout this chapter it has come to my attention that people have many questions about Noah repeatedly tripping and faceplanting, some readers even claim that tripping 4 or 5 times in quick succession displays levels of clumsiness that could only be explained by severe motor skills.
I would like to apologize, the true reason Noah has been tripping so much is simply because after I made the initial trip and fall sprites, I was so enamored by them and how cute they look, that I got carried away and kept using them in my excitement.
I would like to take a moment of your time to formally apologize for my inability to control this urge. As a token of acknowledgement I can promise you that Noah will not trip for the next 366 pages worth of comic content. Of that you have my guarantee.
Yours truly,
Oh that’s unfortunate but like I get it. Hopefully another sequence will show up that is as equally as funny.
It's confirmed. Noah likes to trip cause the god of his universe likes seeing him trip. Cosmic play-thing status achieved.
... Is Neorice saying that an arc transition is imminent?
Thank you for the clarification! Noah is amazing and we love him even if he falls over lots.
Snowflakes, SJW everywhere. Holy crap. Honestly, you got nothing to apologize for. If anyone needs to apologize it's these generation warriors that push stuff out of proportions. NOT saying there are many downright disgusting things out there, but come on! It's a webcomic, NOAH is a kinda loser (until much later I imagine) so what the actual F is wrong with you ppl.
I figured it was half clumsiness, and half 'this will make me less of a target'. But you're right, the sprites are cute :3
"I can promise you that Noah will not trip for the next 366 pages worth of comic content."
So, are we about to switch to Tobi, or Burk, or both, before we come back to Noah ;P
Okay, there must be a catch with that description. Most likely meaning Neorice is probably going to cut away soon and there will be no Noah pages for a while.
Nooo I love Noah tripping
To be absolutely fair, the trip sprites are really good.
Now I'm sad we wont see them again for so long... Can't we just make it canon that Noah is a bit of a clutz?
I just thought it was him subconsciously trying to avoid attention as much as he possibly can. Self-sabotage, kind of a thing.
"I can promise you that Noah will not trip for the next 366 pages worth of comic content."
Why I have a feeling that Noah will not get up for the remaining (few) pages of the current arc, then we will have ~350 pages of Burk and Tobi arcs?
Haha that's fair Neo. Noah's falling sprites are hilariously cute, but the overuse was a bit worrying.
Sounds like this chapter is ending soon and then the Saga of Windows Radar won't be returning for more than a year. :( Presumably when it does he'll immediately trip again...
Blue girl has a point, the Radar is really letting the side down. So do soldiers ever get shot for cowardice in the empire?
Also, where did Cherry go?
I suppose the real question is: Can those cattastic missiles be fired off safely? 'Cause if they can...
The true question is, how many of those would feature noah himself?
(But thanks for clarification, though seeing as he was exempt from weapon training for being a "threat to himself and others by simply participating",... yeah)
I just thought it was him subconsciously trying to avoid attention as much as he possibly can. Self-sabotage, kind of a thing.
Wait he can pick up the mini-cat within Jamal's field? I thought for sure that was one of the things caught in the time stop.
We could also spend 366 pages without Noah getting back up. He certainly won't trip then.
Can someone with really, really good memory make a mental note of the fact that we may see Noah trip over his feet again come page 2171?
...will Noah be in most of the next 366 pages of content? Because I like following Noah, and how much heavy physical activity he's willing to do does seem fairly restricted to "Falling Over", admittedly, reluctantly falling over, but still. I have even impatiently waited for more Noah stories, since he's the one of the three protagonists I enjoy the most.
I am worried that he has the most story that can be skipped before he meets Burk and Tobi, though. After all, you just need to give him a reason to run away, someone's mind to jump into that can get him away (probably Guy Juliet, since we know he meets Burk and Noah) and spend some time in their mind.
...and the reason why Noah hasn't been seen in the Burk storyline is because Noah can't find anywhere to escape Guy's mind.
Apology accepted, I guess?
Now back to more cat-tastic shenanigans!
Somebody make a countdown, Noah will officially trip 367 chapters.
Oh, I was wondering if we were getting a look into exactly why Noah was declared a threat to himself and his classmates and exempted from weapons class.
Its a thing real people have and if any fiction "action" hero had a problem like that Noah is a prime candidate. But I guess not.
@Some guy: Wouldn't be the first time Noah has spent an extraordinary amount of time off his feet.
II just thought Noah was 'Tripping' on purpose to make himself seem less of a threat and to reduce his target potential...
Nobody wants a clumsy prisoner and beating up the clumsy kid doesn't make you look good.
Survival tactics!
All he said is we're switching to another character for a year and won't be seeing Noah again for awhile
I didn't see it before but now that you mention it I see that he does look somewhat cute.
@Darius Drake I think it's too late for Noah to hitch a ride in Guy Juliet's mind. Remember when Guy told Noah he was going on "vacation"? That would be when he switched over to being a Burk character, I think.
So, end of the ark comic tomorrow and then a year of toby and/or burk.
Im cool with that
I quite like it, personally. I’m borderline clumsy enough to call it an actual disability and Noah’s being scared for his life / a coward would be absolutely enough stress to trigger the clumsiness. It’s super relatable for me.
Legit though I can only blend in with normal life ‘cause I am practicing my balance as often as possible. Noah isn’t, so if he’s even half as uncoordinated as I am, all that tripping makes perfect sense.
Aww! What a really cute reason! :D (And yes, it is a really nice sprite ^^ Well done!)
Hope, this doesn't mean, we won't see Noah for a long time. (worry)
Just a note to some people:
Just because Noa tripping is over a year away, doesn't mean we won't see Noa again. It just means he won't be physically exerting himself anytime soon.
I will be quite upset if Noah DOESN'T trip on page 2172 >:|
Aw but you're right, they ARE cute sprites.
It's a real good reason !
Also, it's something I never even thought about maybe because they do feel like people. I think you're good at that, creating characters that are people
but will he....be tripped?
I suppose it's possible that he'll be spirit projecting soon and won't be corporeal again until the end of the aforementioned 366 pages, whereupon he'll immediately trip.
I did enjoy the pratfalls for the record. It just seemed a bit odd was all, no self respecting coward should be unable to flee at haste when required, even if he still ends up serving as the kitten buddy for everyone else.
@Agent_Cook: I wouldn't be, the viewpoint character may be a prickly mean person, but this is still a great story and my favourite of the three plotlines.