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Burk - 887
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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Friday, June 16 2017 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Seeing red.

That doesn't seem like a worrying sign at all.

12994: Alcemon - Friday, June 16 2017 - 12:15 AM

Did Burk get possessed by Ciel there? :3

12995: Conchord - Friday, June 16 2017 - 12:35 AM

Burk being the most observant in the room? That IS a worrying sign.

12996: Whispers of Sorrow - Friday, June 16 2017 - 1:15 AM

Hrrrrm. A final attack like the Judge's courtesy of gingerbeard?

12997: hapiel - Friday, June 16 2017 - 2:13 AM

Burk, our voice of reason :)

12998: Tom - Friday, June 16 2017 - 2:20 AM

Burk displays more and more knowledge of magic.

I'm very curious/afraid as to what is about to happen.

12999: Jack - Friday, June 16 2017 - 4:27 AM

I'm starting to think Burk just acts stupid. At the very least he is smarter than he lets on.

13000: J - Friday, June 16 2017 - 4:49 AM

Hmm...what's more worrying. The increasing amount of Red or the fact that Burk is taking it seriously?

13001: Liack - Friday, June 16 2017 - 5:57 AM

Queue regenerative powerdue to a scarce blood moon.

13002: Silver - Friday, June 16 2017 - 6:07 AM

I suppose red-beard's about to show us what he can do.

It's unnerving when Burk gets serious...

13003: Conch - Friday, June 16 2017 - 6:45 AM

I'm worried Neorice is goin' to change to a different character. ( Tobi or Noah )
This is really putting me on the edge of my seat :O

13004: TheomanZero - Friday, June 16 2017 - 12:10 PM

Is Burk bring serious also a side effect of the magic?
Also, if that's what The Judge was wearing under his armor, he really had no excuse for not taking it off before facing Ariara.

13005: verycoolname - Friday, June 16 2017 - 12:56 PM

Burk waxing eloquent is interesting... I previously assumed he had fought magic users, but I also assumed he had no formal training. Him explaining things like this shows a level of analysis you wouldn't expect from someone who learned to fight 'by fighting' and more from someone who made the effort to study.

13006: nitro - Friday, June 16 2017 - 9:14 PM

I love when Burk gets serious.
And it really bugs me how theres this dissonance between those moments and his usual behavior.

I really cant wait to learn more, the man is unnaturally strong and and has proven incredible skill and knowledge against magic users.

13007: Bisected - Saturday, June 17 2017 - 2:12 AM

Burk's smarter than he looks...

13008: Saiko - Saturday, June 17 2017 - 12:36 PM

Being smarter than he looks doesn't require too much, though.

Also, he's apparently more stretchable than he looks.

Also, I don't know if he wants it, but if he wanted, he probably could have blackmailed the judge into granting him a hero licence.

13009: average_italian - Saturday, June 17 2017 - 4:59 PM

Burk's effective range = Everywhere

13010: pkrcel - Sunday, June 18 2017 - 3:26 AM

@average_italian too true!


13011: Bisected - Sunday, June 18 2017 - 4:58 AM

"Cue", Liack. A "queue" is something you stand in. =p

13012: pkrcel - Sunday, June 18 2017 - 8:18 AM

i dont think its from the boots so much as a little glitter effect to emphasize the character's overall prissy look/personality.

I mean, he even turns things to gold

13013: Enigman - Sunday, June 18 2017 - 11:30 PM

Hey, Burk is looking to act much like Goku - they both act dumb but both are really smart/lucky when they read opponents. Also extremely cocky.

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