Friday, February 9 2024 - 12:00 AM
By: Zalander

Unknown beasts.
Animal. What are we to you? Earthly creatures?
Only the bones and flesh we absorb and toy with resemble your lowly chemically constructed selves. We are made of a different matter. A different reality. You are but a parody of our boundless existence.
Thanks for the interview Zalander.
@Zalander For a "friend of humanity" that didn't sound very friendly
Are those things in the sky compromised of the absorbed flesh and bones of the Technomancers? I guess Noah's chapters give us an idea what happened to the Technomancers. Like Haven, but times 10000 since an entire continent full of people were dragged there.
I am getting a vague sense of perpetual dread and terror from seeing this new world. Almost like it was a terrible idea for them to mess around with the obelisks and the ruins in general.
Chronologically, this might be taking place before Zalander's intermission, so he might have been a bit less friendly back then.
On the other hand, the fact that he is talking to us at all might be significantly more friendly than normal for his kind.