Burk seems to be able to read people quite well, probably a skill he picked up learning to fight. It also indicates a fairly descent level of intelligence.
13191: Alcemon - Friday, July 7 2017 - 12:28 AM
Oh...ok! Time to escalate the level of violence.
13192: Silver - Friday, July 7 2017 - 1:57 AM
I knew she wouldn't just give up. Also, seems Burk is one step ahead. Maybe more.
13193: Wesley - Friday, July 7 2017 - 3:49 AM
Ariara is actually pretty smart with this, she recognizes that she can't beat him so shes giving it to the judge, or am I over complicating it.
13194: Scarred Wrable - Friday, July 7 2017 - 4:58 AM
I hope this signals a return of the judge
however I am also curious about Guy Moe and Aristocrat hmm
13195: Nathan400 - Friday, July 7 2017 - 5:21 AM
You're over complicating it. She just flinging it ad far away as she can.
13197: Saiko - Friday, July 7 2017 - 5:28 AM
Why there's a summer update banner? Is it summer already?
13198: Tom - Friday, July 7 2017 - 5:48 AM
Burk keeps showcasing his perception skills.
Why would he not take the amulet and give it to the Judge, though?
13199: Tor - Friday, July 7 2017 - 6:39 AM
Oh nice! daily updates?
The only fitting response to this would be daily votes for the comic :)
13200: InfinitySum - Friday, July 7 2017 - 10:08 AM
It's made of metal and Ariara had touched it. She still controls it through her power. Anyone grabbing it wound likely be taken along for a ride. Not to mention coming to the attention of this hulking blue guy.
13201: mikato1 - Friday, July 7 2017 - 3:48 PM
@InfinitySum it's also entirely possible that Burk's counting on just that. so that he can get up a bit higher for a gravity-assisted slam on the rock dude.
13202: Whispers of Sorrow - Saturday, July 8 2017 - 1:55 AM
That was well played by Ariara there.
I suspect Burk is just trying to avoid detection.
13203: Bisected - Saturday, July 8 2017 - 2:23 AM
The Judge needs to take stock of the situation.
13204: Storm - Saturday, July 8 2017 - 2:55 AM
Yay for updates!
Dunno exactly what Ariara's going for. Having that amulet on her was exactly why goldie was leaving her alone. Now, he might figure that turning her to gold is not only without negative consequence, but it might even bring that amulet back down!
Burk seems to be able to read people quite well, probably a skill he picked up learning to fight. It also indicates a fairly descent level of intelligence.
Oh...ok! Time to escalate the level of violence.
I knew she wouldn't just give up. Also, seems Burk is one step ahead. Maybe more.
Ariara is actually pretty smart with this, she recognizes that she can't beat him so shes giving it to the judge, or am I over complicating it.
I hope this signals a return of the judge
however I am also curious about Guy Moe and Aristocrat hmm
You're over complicating it. She just flinging it ad far away as she can.
Why there's a summer update banner? Is it summer already?
Burk keeps showcasing his perception skills.
Why would he not take the amulet and give it to the Judge, though?
Oh nice! daily updates?
The only fitting response to this would be daily votes for the comic :)
It's made of metal and Ariara had touched it. She still controls it through her power. Anyone grabbing it wound likely be taken along for a ride. Not to mention coming to the attention of this hulking blue guy.
@InfinitySum it's also entirely possible that Burk's counting on just that. so that he can get up a bit higher for a gravity-assisted slam on the rock dude.
That was well played by Ariara there.
I suspect Burk is just trying to avoid detection.
The Judge needs to take stock of the situation.
Yay for updates!
Dunno exactly what Ariara's going for. Having that amulet on her was exactly why goldie was leaving her alone. Now, he might figure that turning her to gold is not only without negative consequence, but it might even bring that amulet back down!