A dangerous assumption to make.
"Foreshadowing is a literary technique...."
The countdown until things go pear-shaped has officially started.
I mean who can blame him, the man said the pants are too tight! I'm sure if someone gave him a dress all would be well.
Good plan Pablo. And like all good plans, it's not likely to survive first contact with the "enemy".
So, what is plan B when Burk's pants come off and everybody talks?
what if his goal is to instead destroy the world
Burk won't keep his pants on, on the contrary, he will romance his way through all the obstacles.
"Foreshadowing is a literary technique...."
The countdown until things go pear-shaped has officially started.
I mean who can blame him, the man said the pants are too tight! I'm sure if someone gave him a dress all would be well.
Good plan Pablo.
And like all good plans, it's not likely to survive first contact with the "enemy".
So, what is plan B when Burk's pants come off and everybody talks?
what if his goal is to instead destroy the world
Burk won't keep his pants on, on the contrary, he will romance his way through all the obstacles.