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Burk - 3953
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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Saturday, September 14 2024 - 3:02 PM
By: Neoriceisgood

If this gets out ...

Ah irrelevant and unlikely to become important.

43632: Brilliand - Saturday, September 14 2024 - 4:53 PM

"Fringe populists"... pretty sure that's an oxymoron.

43633: TaranAlvein - Saturday, September 14 2024 - 5:24 PM

This Hero Bot is giving me Brainiac vibes. Something tells me he's more than just a 2-bit player in this continent's machinations.

43634: Darius Drake - Saturday, September 14 2024 - 6:12 PM

Is Burk the high-ranking hero? Unlikely, it's probably Icy Queen.

43635: Whitemang - Saturday, September 14 2024 - 6:34 PM

Okey at this point its clear someone in that room is related to and covering burks existance. The question is who?

43636: Ghost - Saturday, September 14 2024 - 7:58 PM

We know the official response already from waaaaaay back when, now its time to see the unofficial response bus drivers start your engines!

43637: Syhkane - Saturday, September 14 2024 - 8:30 PM

All the Pale Red Haired children seem to have the same facial features like pointed noses, and a weird lankiness. I feel like something beyond reality wanted a bunch of kids in this reality for something nefarious.

43640: someone - Saturday, September 14 2024 - 10:43 PM

They don't seem too bad yet, but I'm prepared to eat my words.

43641: Tom - Saturday, September 14 2024 - 5:30 PM

Oh boi, the repercussions are rippling.

43642: Tomtomy - Saturday, September 14 2024 - 6:45 PM

@Brilliand: populist is less "popular politics" and more "politics by the people", in constrast of politics by elites, be they politicians, scientific experts, religious leaders, military personnel, etc. The argument of the populist isn't only that he has the interest of the population at heart, but that the current political order, including the bureaucracy and the elite in general, is intentionally neglecting the duties to its people.

A fringe populist faction would be very similar to an anti-elite minority demanding the reform of the system to better represent the wull of the p

43644: giovanni - Sunday, September 15 2024 - 4:05 AM

is it me or is the presentater, with his pointy nose, looks like logan?


43645: Melany - Sunday, September 15 2024 - 4:13 AM

You know this makes me remember that Burk has never actually claimed not to be a Heroland hero. He merely stated that he does not (currently) possess a hero pass.

43646: Melany - Sunday, September 15 2024 - 7:49 AM

Both Sky Chaser and Logan look like pale children mentioned all the way back in Tobi's quiz round (pg. 2145)

43647: Syhkane - Sunday, September 15 2024 - 7:59 AM

They're both Pale Children, Morty even looks like this.

43648: Welf - Sunday, September 15 2024 - 10:53 AM

I wonder if Mr. Memphis and Mr. Bobs are related.

43649: Zed - Sunday, September 15 2024 - 2:11 PM

The high ranking hero they tried to kill off is very likely Logan. The story has repeatedly stressed his relevance, and in the patreon comics they had the Hero Hunter pursue him (and fail).

43650: Some guy - Sunday, September 15 2024 - 8:21 PM

I'd argue a populist is somebody who panders to the public in their messaging, usually with little to no intent of following through.

I.e. they say what people want to hear, not what they intend to do or what is even remotely realistic.

So basically, it's not politics at all, it's just blowing sugar up the populus arses.

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