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Burk - 3899
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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Tuesday, July 23 2024 - 1:42 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

The local Baron.

Oh right.

42781: Deliverance - Tuesday, July 23 2024 - 2:15 AM

So that reveal is why the outcome of Piper Pol's fight with the baron was hidden until now. Better late than never.

42782: MaZe - Tuesday, July 23 2024 - 2:18 AM

I spent the last few days rereading the Burk stuff, and if not for that, I would've forgotten the baron. The piper is at least stronger than him despite having the same powers.

42784: noname - Tuesday, July 23 2024 - 3:01 AM

That tree looks like it's made of planks... Which is a sentence I have never said before.

42785: Silver - Tuesday, July 23 2024 - 3:38 AM

Guess Piper convinced him to sit this one out

42786: Strannik - Tuesday, July 23 2024 - 4:12 AM

Puns about "hanging on" ready to start in 3..2...

42787: KsCoPe - Tuesday, July 23 2024 - 4:39 AM

Hey, Piper was really nice!

- probably alive
- not hanging upside down
- and outside, safe from the fire.

Also, she didn't burn his hair, cape or moustache. That's family for you.

42788: Thursday - Tuesday, July 23 2024 - 5:15 AM



42789: Welf - Monday, July 22 2024 - 10:23 PM

So that's what happened to Reichfeld. Piper took her time. And I guess she learned from Guy the joy of tieing up people?

42791: Zeeze - Tuesday, July 23 2024 - 7:43 AM

Well he's certainly on a line.

42792: Anon E. Moose - Tuesday, July 23 2024 - 8:28 AM

@noname It's the bark! The bark is peeling! Badly we might say!

...we could say that the local Baron's *bark* is worse than his bite, even!

42793: Paintr - Tuesday, July 23 2024 - 8:57 AM

I wonder if the wounds to his pride will be greater, in the long run.

42795: Saiko - Tuesday, July 23 2024 - 10:47 AM

There are flames in the background of last panel. It seems the house is on fire. So the baron seems safe... for now. Till the tree burns down.

42796: Fan - Tuesday, July 23 2024 - 5:55 PM

So this begs the question:

Did Piper remembered to send the signal to the Judge before she left?

1, 2,