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Burk - 3871
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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Tuesday, June 25 2024 - 5:04 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Don't get any ideas.

Oh no ... Piper and Pablo!

42381: Sporf - Tuesday, June 25 2024 - 5:30 AM

I'm not sure that protection for heroes would really hold up to this level of "inproper target" 6ou are very little be the o e that Heroland sacrifices to appease the Mageking.

42382: Some guy - Tuesday, June 25 2024 - 6:50 AM

Yeah right, as if they will care about due process when it's about family.

"I was just following orders" isn't a very effective defense anyway.

42383: TaranAlvein - Tuesday, June 25 2024 - 7:11 AM

@Some guy: That's on Earth. On this world, it very well may be, depending on how much importance they place on following orders vs. using one's own judgment.

42384: Kardwill - Tuesday, June 25 2024 - 8:17 AM

That's kinda the default rule for royal families : No outsider is allowed to mess with the dynasty.

42385: Eight - Tuesday, June 25 2024 - 8:46 AM

Is that a shadow over Pablo? From an airship about to lo(o)se a door?

42386: Gobo - Tuesday, June 25 2024 - 8:58 AM

*eyes the growing shadow*

Mister President, a second Burk has hit the Pablo.

(Take your bets now on what it actually is, if it's not the pod they have planned. Evyle? Windboy? Chesslady? One of the local heroes?)

42387: Melany - Tuesday, June 25 2024 - 11:05 AM

If my memory serves correctly, the mage barony is only one part of the heroland collective; the mage king therefore does not directly control heroland executives and would not be able to just personally order executions willy-nilly, even over something like this.

Also, realistically speaking, an investigation over this matter would likely go not for the hero doing the execution, but for the people who ordered into effect. If heads do fly over this, it'd be Dolk and company, not this guy.

@Some guy
Actually, in this case, it'd be a pretty effective defense I'd wager. This hero has absolutely no reason to suspect that his target isn't lying her ass off. If they had to stop for an investigation every time a high-threat criminal claimed to be the relative of a king, they wouldn't be able to get anything done. It'd be one thing if he somehow came across strong evidence of Piper's identity, but without any, being given a wrong target is really seriously not his problem.

42388: Anthony - Tuesday, June 25 2024 - 11:27 AM

Well, this looks pretty hopeless. Time to have a half dozen Tobi and Noah chapters.

42389: Silver - Tuesday, June 25 2024 - 11:56 AM

I seem to recall Pablo trying to stop Gang Rule Town's (or Gang Town Rule's?) residents from killing him by claiming that his death could result in a war... Unless this was aptgg.

Whatever the case killing both a diplomat and a relative of the mage king... That dude thinks he won't be held liable but if this causes hell to break loose it'll be him in the front lines, not the executives, liable or not. So maybe he should be less sure about being in the clear.

@Anthony Don't jinx it!

42390: Cromire - Tuesday, June 25 2024 - 5:46 AM

@Melany Actually, you are making the EXACT same mistake as the hero is making here.


There is precisely ZERO protection for this level of fuck up for Pawn level hero. In fact, he will be guaranteed to become a public example off. White Star/Black Star Hero? There would still be punishment or reprimand, even if not public one. As the Laws are just piece of paper when it comes to actual political fallout for disposable pawn hero killing member of royal family of Client Country of Heroland on shady order from Eddstadt Executive. As remember, Eddstadt is just singular small branch of Heroland. They are not THE Heroland. Even White Star heroes are outranking the local executives.

42391: Sporf - Tuesday, June 25 2024 - 1:18 PM

Gah! I wish there was an edit button. It looks like I had a stroke in the last part of what I wrote. It was supposed to say, "You are likely to be the one Heroland sacrifices to appease the Mage King." (This is what I get for commenting on my phone.)
The Mage King obviously can't just execute heroes willy nilly, but his willing participation in the Heroland program is important and he will absolutely be demanding an investigation and very probably blood. Heroland will have to give him someone, I'm sure I know who Dolk would prefer in that circumstance. Because Heroland is considered a world power, the Mage Kingdom probably can't just leave and would probably be considered very open to attack if it did, none the less, one non topranking hero is likely a very low price to pay to keep the kingdom compliant.

42393: Some guy - Tuesday, June 25 2024 - 6:42 PM

It didn't even work for soldiers and other people where following orders would otherwise be considered mandatory.

This defense only makes sense in a situation where the perpetrator is actually incapable of not following them.

High-threat? Piper seems pretty well-contained to me. That's not a point in his favour here.

42394: Ghost - Tuesday, June 25 2024 - 11:16 PM

As much as you may think your "safe" from following orders 100% guaranteed you'll be the one most likely to be left swinging in the breeze for this to save face.

42396: TaranAlvein - Wednesday, June 26 2024 - 12:51 AM

@Some guy: AGAIN, you are referring to courts on EARTH, not this fantasy world. You don't know that it's not a valid defense here. In the absence of a past example IN-UNIVERSE, I'm going to assume that the professional citing the law knows his business.

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