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Burk - 3865
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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Wednesday, June 19 2024 - 12:16 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Baroness Piper Pol.

What a silly lie.

42310: Saiko - Wednesday, June 19 2024 - 12:48 AM

LOL, hero who has belief in Heroland's virtues.

42311: eigen - Tuesday, June 18 2024 - 6:08 PM

This could actually work. The executives and heroes have very little reason to think that Piper is Sabrina.

42312: Tom - Tuesday, June 18 2024 - 8:23 PM

Burk is just a MAGNET for heroes.

Piper has an out if she can prove that she is who she actually is.

42313: Silver - Wednesday, June 19 2024 - 4:08 AM

That guy makes a lot of assumptions about heroland's kill list...

42314: Some guy - Wednesday, June 19 2024 - 7:45 AM

Where the hell is Burk? What's up with the weird lighting in that place?

42315: Melany - Wednesday, June 19 2024 - 10:19 AM

@Some Guy
It looks like he's right next to the Mastermind building, which is currently on significant amount of spooky ghost fire - thus the lighting.

42316: almondsAndRain - Wednesday, June 19 2024 - 3:44 AM

@Some guy:
Judging from the logos on the walls near Burk, I would say that he is outside the Mastermind building and the lighting is caused by the fire.

42318: Maiker - Wednesday, June 19 2024 - 10:56 AM

@Some guy

Burk is right beside Mastermind building, and that's a lighting effect from spirit flames

42319: Zyzyzyryxy - Wednesday, June 19 2024 - 5:10 AM

@Some guy There are Mastermind flags and blue flames behind the heroes.

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