21289: LimaHotel - Friday, February 7 2020 - 2:11 AM
21290: Tom - Friday, February 7 2020 - 2:14 AM
Wiggle wiggle wiggle.
21291: Zyzyzyryxy - Friday, February 7 2020 - 2:24 AM
So... The talking cat from panel 5 a while back is a hero-spy like the worm here?
21292: Bisected - Friday, February 7 2020 - 3:42 AM
Oh, worm!
21293: Tor Magnus - Friday, February 7 2020 - 5:34 AM
@zyzyzyryxy maybe the same shapeshifter.
21294: Wherm - Friday, February 7 2020 - 7:15 AM
This worm is likely one of the "spy worms" that Wurm (Goldman's lackey in Comic 1453) uses. It's nice how the color matches his hair!
21295: Panic - Friday, February 7 2020 - 8:11 AM
Oh Pablo. Haven't you learned by now that "too much hassle" is the ONLY way thing get accomplished?
21296: megahellreaper - Friday, February 7 2020 - 8:58 AM
21297: Yobestboi - Friday, February 7 2020 - 9:13 AM
Looks like our heroes are wiggling way their way to the hero house!
21298: Darius Drake - Friday, February 7 2020 - 6:37 PM
@ Tor Magnus: Unlikely to be the same shapeshifter, the two of them have different colour schemes. The cat was two shades of brown, and this "worm" is a distinctive green & orange.
21300: EstherTb - Sunday, February 9 2020 - 7:18 AM
Anyone else see the “House of Hero†as “Mouse of Hero†the first read through?
21302: Zyzyzyryxy - Monday, February 10 2020 - 5:10 AM
After looking through some older comics, I now see some more relationships:
Worm is indeed a hero from 1453. Quite obvious.
Talking cat from 1470 has a great chance to be a cat-hero mentioned in 955 (as Dubu commented). This could be a coincidence, but one of the cats in 955 has a hat looking exactly like one of the heroes from 1365 is wearing!
Wiggle wiggle wiggle.
So... The talking cat from panel 5 a while back is a hero-spy like the worm here?
Oh, worm!
@zyzyzyryxy maybe the same shapeshifter.
This worm is likely one of the "spy worms" that Wurm (Goldman's lackey in Comic 1453) uses. It's nice how the color matches his hair!
Oh Pablo. Haven't you learned by now that "too much hassle" is the ONLY way thing get accomplished?
Looks like our heroes are wiggling way their way to the hero house!
@ Tor Magnus: Unlikely to be the same shapeshifter, the two of them have different colour schemes. The cat was two shades of brown, and this "worm" is a distinctive green & orange.
Anyone else see the “House of Hero†as “Mouse of Hero†the first read through?
After looking through some older comics, I now see some more relationships:
Worm is indeed a hero from 1453. Quite obvious.
Talking cat from 1470 has a great chance to be a cat-hero mentioned in 955 (as Dubu commented). This could be a coincidence, but one of the cats in 955 has a hat looking exactly like one of the heroes from 1365 is wearing!