18790: Bisected - Wednesday, December 5 2018 - 1:51 AM
Why not use a crazy guy's big board of crazy as the basis of your investigation?
18791: Storm - Wednesday, December 5 2018 - 2:12 AM
Silly Pablo.. overlooking the suspicious fumes, which, given their suspiciousness, are obviously the mastermind behind this whole thing!!!1
18792: MatthewTheLucky - Wednesday, December 5 2018 - 2:26 AM
Yeah, this is way better. Maybe.
18793: Tnoz - Wednesday, December 5 2018 - 3:42 AM
Having the same yellow tie is suspicious, right?
18794: OverBern - Wednesday, December 5 2018 - 4:26 AM
planar outsiders (elemental/celestial/demon), people from different places, or goodhearted poor kids?
18795: someone - Wednesday, December 5 2018 - 8:16 AM
why is Narcis Prince among the accused
18796: Ibri - Wednesday, December 5 2018 - 8:33 AM
Let's see 8 people:1) could go either way if evil probably relatively highly ranked 2)could be mob level evil but I will go with good guy with an attitude 3) evil middle management 4)looks friendly so if evil probably not obviously so at first 5)small fry bad guy 6)grumpy old man could go either way 7)used car salesman, evil but in petty cays 8) comic relief
So case solved, what next.
18797: Kiithnaras - Wednesday, December 5 2018 - 9:05 AM
To be completely fair, "Every direction" is indeed not the same as "no direction."
18798: Liack - Wednesday, December 5 2018 - 12:53 PM
Unless you're grasping at the guy in shades, who literally look like a straw....
18799: Charter - Wednesday, December 5 2018 - 3:59 PM
You just KNOW there's going to be some magic-user who can turn into a foul-smelling poison gas or something.
18800: Guest - Wednesday, December 5 2018 - 4:01 PM
Clearly forehead projection is the determining factor. 3, 5, and 8 are pure evil. 4 has hind-head projection, which is a difficult case... 1 and 2 both have mild hair projection, 2 more than 1, but still... 6 and 7 are difficult to get a clear read on because of the perspective.
Imma say that 1, 4, and 7 are innocent, the rest must be purged for their crimes.
18802: LokSel - Thursday, December 6 2018 - 3:37 PM
Spying using suspicious fumes sounds like quite the strange magic power.
18803: Whispers of Sorrow - Thursday, December 6 2018 - 8:55 PM
Burk's going to punch them all in the face and then attack the plumbing isn't he?
I do hope Ariara the Golden returns to end his reign of terror. :( And also that someone buys him a kilt. God willing, the kilt would succeed where trousers have failed.
18806: Cluedrew - Friday, December 7 2018 - 5:13 AM
@Whispers of Sorrow: I have a perhaps expected disagreement with the Ariara the Golden part. On the other hand I find myself agreeing with the kilt comment. It is genius and could trigger one of those anime-like "suddenly 10 times as strong" moments. Plus the idea just seems to suit Burk for some reason.
Why not use a crazy guy's big board of crazy as the basis of your investigation?
Silly Pablo.. overlooking the suspicious fumes, which, given their suspiciousness, are obviously the mastermind behind this whole thing!!!1
Yeah, this is way better. Maybe.
Having the same yellow tie is suspicious, right?
planar outsiders (elemental/celestial/demon), people from different places, or goodhearted poor kids?
why is Narcis Prince among the accused
Let's see 8 people:1) could go either way if evil probably relatively highly ranked 2)could be mob level evil but I will go with good guy with an attitude 3) evil middle management 4)looks friendly so if evil probably not obviously so at first 5)small fry bad guy 6)grumpy old man could go either way 7)used car salesman, evil but in petty cays 8) comic relief
So case solved, what next.
To be completely fair, "Every direction" is indeed not the same as "no direction."
Unless you're grasping at the guy in shades, who literally look like a straw....
You just KNOW there's going to be some magic-user who can turn into a foul-smelling poison gas or something.
Clearly forehead projection is the determining factor. 3, 5, and 8 are pure evil. 4 has hind-head projection, which is a difficult case... 1 and 2 both have mild hair projection, 2 more than 1, but still... 6 and 7 are difficult to get a clear read on because of the perspective.
Imma say that 1, 4, and 7 are innocent, the rest must be purged for their crimes.
Spying using suspicious fumes sounds like quite the strange magic power.
Burk's going to punch them all in the face and then attack the plumbing isn't he?
I do hope Ariara the Golden returns to end his reign of terror. :( And also that someone buys him a kilt. God willing, the kilt would succeed where trousers have failed.
@Whispers of Sorrow: I have a perhaps expected disagreement with the Ariara the Golden part. On the other hand I find myself agreeing with the kilt comment. It is genius and could trigger one of those anime-like "suddenly 10 times as strong" moments. Plus the idea just seems to suit Burk for some reason.