Wednesday, March 22 2017 - 1:48 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Clean water.
A place in Lorg that doesn't smell like death poo, sweet!
Btw, I've had Penguin replace the forum/chat buttons with a brand new DISCORD button; as discord is far more active than the other two ever were combined. Do check it out if you like talking to people!
I just hope she boils the water before she drinks it, regardless of its properties.
Doesn't all water have cleansing properties?
Tobi. Swimming with the faeces!
Will she ever get a break? Apparently not... At least it doesn't smell.
Discord, huh? Maybe one day...
Man I hope 3 is going to turn into a boat
The forums still exist though, at
She's an inventive type. I'm sure she will come up with an idea for a life straw or something similar. Then she will be able to drink even brown water...
The second text bubble in the third to last panel might read better as: "The last time the air was this clear was..."
since she just noticed the abscence of Lorg's stench.