Friday, February 10 2017 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Just something unusual.
Think fast!
On a side note, I don't often feature comments, but I just have to highlight this comment by Rache on the last page:
"Might sound out of topic, but Neo you were studying something Biology related right? Anyway, not sure if you've heard of it, but today in class we studied a bacteria called "Burkholderia cepacia". It was hard containing my laughter after imagining a tiny bacteria holding Burk. :) Sorry if it's out of topic, just felt like sharing hahah..."
That must be one fearless bacteria to hold Burk ...
What's so surprising? Is it that she sensed the ball coming with her back turned?
I wonder if she has some magic power that were unaware of. Either that or she used an advanced spirt technique, which caught him by surprise.
This is just like the tossing-bottles-with-no-warning trend. Also, "Burkholderia cepacia" is too good. Many mini Burks everywhere.
the airhead is a prodigy? wouldnt tink of it as out of the ordinary.
I think she just used spirit mask to avoid ball.
As an airhead myself, I'd like to point out most of us are really good at at least a few things.
I've heard the airheads are good at swimming.
Also, what I thought were her vampiric teeth, are apparently just gleams on lip.
Any creature in contact with mini Burk is either is his mini steed or is being mini punched into mini oblivion.
Note. The Burk was still pantless
New leak from Neo: Airhead is named Natalie.
You just made my day - no, my week! I hope other people were able to smile while picturing a tiny fearless bacteria holding our favourite often-pantless hero. :)
If Burk doesn't have immunity to Burkolderia then maybe it can attack and "hold" him, of course only with numerical superiority.
However, as far as I know the infection doesn't result in diarrhoea or similar symptoms, which could lead to frequent searching for a bathroom and keeping pants down. So maybe Burk is hold by... something else.