Our ingenious technology vs their polluting machinery.
44229: Saiko - Sunday, October 27 2024 - 3:04 AM
So Pablo was travelling through this Alvarall before, when coming to Mage barony to investigate? How long was his journey?
44230: Tom - Sunday, October 27 2024 - 4:30 AM
I'm getting Judea's Peoples Front vibes from this.
(Life of Brian reference)
44231: someone - Sunday, October 27 2024 - 4:42 AM
Livarian technology is overly complicated clockwork contraptions that kills untrained users (cf. description of Livarian diplomat outfit by the Aristocrat to Guy on page 917 - Not-So-Fake Diplomat).
Alvarian technology is probably a lot more convenient overall. Probably indeed bad for the environment, though.
44232: Darius Drake - Sunday, October 27 2024 - 6:35 AM
Livarians make Clockwork Technology that defies physics.
Alvarians make Electrical Technology that's powered by poisonous motors (like fuel motors, but more likely Black-Crystal Motors in this story).
@ Someone: Not necessarily. Only some Livarian Technology is overly complicated and kills untrained users. Such as their Diplomat Uniforms & Military Hardware. I'm fairly certain that the equivalent of Livarian Fridges and Homes are safe to use, even for the untrained.
44233: Montresor - Sunday, October 27 2024 - 10:19 AM
@Saiko I think it's safe to assume that he DID use the Eddstadt route by sea when he first got here, before the whole Incident.
44234: Some guy - Sunday, October 27 2024 - 2:56 PM
@Darius Drake
One might even think that those difficulties are actually on purpose to prevent unsanctioned use.
Our ingenious technology vs their polluting machinery.
So Pablo was travelling through this Alvarall before, when coming to Mage barony to investigate? How long was his journey?
I'm getting Judea's Peoples Front vibes from this.
(Life of Brian reference)
Livarian technology is overly complicated clockwork contraptions that kills untrained users (cf. description of Livarian diplomat outfit by the Aristocrat to Guy on page 917 - Not-So-Fake Diplomat).
Alvarian technology is probably a lot more convenient overall. Probably indeed bad for the environment, though.
Livarians make Clockwork Technology that defies physics.
Alvarians make Electrical Technology that's powered by poisonous motors (like fuel motors, but more likely Black-Crystal Motors in this story).
@ Someone: Not necessarily. Only some Livarian Technology is overly complicated and kills untrained users. Such as their Diplomat Uniforms & Military Hardware. I'm fairly certain that the equivalent of Livarian Fridges and Homes are safe to use, even for the untrained.
@Saiko I think it's safe to assume that he DID use the Eddstadt route by sea when he first got here, before the whole Incident.
@Darius Drake
One might even think that those difficulties are actually on purpose to prevent unsanctioned use.