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Burk - 3900
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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Wednesday, July 24 2024 - 12:08 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Handland: The return.

So we handland once again.

42797: someone - Wednesday, July 24 2024 - 12:17 AM

So nice of that Muntiacini guy to offer it up like that.

42798: Sporf - Wednesday, July 24 2024 - 12:51 AM

I've been trying to figure out Piper's sprite for a while now. Am I understanding correctly that in panel 4 and 8 her left arm is across her chest so she can have both hands on her staff? For a a while I thought she had gotten a large chest suddenly. Also, is her right hand super, super low holding the staff in all three panels? That looks odd if so, like she has a really long arm and it's also a really low spot to hold a top-heavy staff like that. Not complaints, just want to make sure I understand what the intended pose is.

42799: Hmm - Wednesday, July 24 2024 - 1:14 AM

Handland is sure coming in Handy for all of Pablo's groups needs.

42800: Deliverance - Wednesday, July 24 2024 - 1:22 AM

Right, Guy, you may "sure" that nobody who could cause them trouble was there.

That doesn't make you less suspicious.

42801: Baprr - Wednesday, July 24 2024 - 1:43 AM

@Sporf I think she's holding her right shoulder with left hand (there's only one hand on the staff). Maybe she's fixing something on her clothing, or massaging a bruise.

42802: Koen! - Wednesday, July 24 2024 - 2:42 AM

Little typo on panel 1: "Temprary" should be "Temporary".

42803: Tom - Tuesday, July 23 2024 - 9:06 PM

Bruh, Burk hasn't even tapped into the power of his spirits, he's far from dead.

I'm going to make an effort and not make jokes about Handland.

42804: WiseGuy - Wednesday, July 24 2024 - 6:17 AM

Burk is just channeling his inner Daemonkilla (if you know you know), and beating the hell out of a bunch of poor sods.

42805: Silver - Wednesday, July 24 2024 - 6:18 AM

Hm, I hope these things are just communicators and don't also work as tracking devices, though I wouldn't expect Guy to make this kind of mistake.

42806: Violet - Wednesday, July 24 2024 - 8:46 AM

Willing to bet that Evyle's actually super not dead.

42807: Kiithnaras - Wednesday, July 24 2024 - 12:32 PM

My money is on Burk rescuing Evyle and escaping with both her and simpy macsimperton. Alexander Logan might help create an opening so he doesn't have to fight all the way to the borders.

42824: noname - Friday, July 26 2024 - 3:19 AM




(Sorry, the Elden Ring DLC is still fresh on my mind.)

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