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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Monday, July 15 2024 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Shader time.

A party with all the shaders you can wish for <3

42660: Paintr - Monday, July 15 2024 - 12:31 AM

So Pablo is largely helpless next to a few shaders right now, but how many could Piper or Guy take on?

42661: Welf - Sunday, July 14 2024 - 5:57 PM

Who is that mysterious hero? I assume Mr Cool is the strongest hero. So it can't be Nightshade since he would rank 3rd at most behind Skystroke. So maybe Logan Alexander?

42662: Taorin - Monday, July 15 2024 - 1:04 AM

It appears to be raining. I'm betting on a hero power.

42663: Hmm - Monday, July 15 2024 - 1:33 AM

I have to say, I didn't expect Pablo to be keeping up with Piper and Guy. Especially since he's wearing a bunch of clockwork on himself. Unless there is some power assistance on his clockwork.

42664: Saiko - Monday, July 15 2024 - 8:37 AM

They pursuit them like a band of ninja zombies.

42665: Silver - Monday, July 15 2024 - 9:35 AM

Pablo is a fast little guy

42666: Gobo - Monday, July 15 2024 - 2:52 AM



42667: Sporf - Monday, July 15 2024 - 11:35 AM

@Welf. Since he said it was one of the heroes from the drop and not a local hero, it might be someone new. I don't think it's be nightshade unless I am misunderstanding and perhaps any hero that participates even if they didn't come in a drop pod count, but that seems unlikely. Logan would be interesting but he also feels unlikely unless there's been hints in the patreon comics, that I am unaware of.

42668: Welf - Monday, July 15 2024 - 3:14 PM

I think local heroes can and do participate. In comic 1381 we see on the hero ranking on tile #7 a person with a bunny mask (I believe), and that seems to be the heroine we also see in comic 3857.


That is Ultraviolent Hydrocarbon, she gets introduced in the Patreon comic together with Mr Cool.

42669: Ghost - Monday, July 15 2024 - 5:59 PM

The harpy from the chapter cover hasn't appeared yet.

42670: Sporf - Tuesday, July 16 2024 - 12:35 AM

@Welf. I know that local heroes can help, the late, not-so-great Prancing Pudu was helping as well. Though I didn't realize that the opossum person was local, that's a good catch with the ranking board, (Hero Hunter is on there as well it looks like, that's interesting.) I was more referring to how Kaiser 12 was referring to heroes that "joined the drop" and was wondering if that meant all participating heroes or specifically the ones that dropped. The former means it could be Sky stroke or Nightshade, but the latter allows for someone new or Logan.

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