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Burk - 3878
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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Tuesday, July 2 2024 - 2:03 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Good news & Bad news.

Everything is going swimmingly.

42536: random - Tuesday, July 2 2024 - 2:58 AM

I think "taken care OF" would be the correct spelling on the last panel, but what do I know?

And I hope we get to see some hero PvP shenanigans!

42537: KsCoPe - Monday, July 1 2024 - 8:19 PM

I still wonder about the giant ice/crystal fist in the background. These things were created by Sky-Stroke, but I can't imagine that he is on the side of the "rogue" heroes.

42538: Thursday - Tuesday, July 2 2024 - 4:40 AM

i am curious what's the good news and what's the bad news

42539: Zed - Tuesday, July 2 2024 - 5:54 AM


They're leftover from his fight with Burk.

42540: Sporf - Tuesday, July 2 2024 - 6:20 AM

@KsCoPe Skystroke is not yet involved. Those crystal fists were there already, they are leftover from when Skystroke fought Burk, it was a very mobile battle, so they sre currently everywhere. Apparently they don't just dissappear, which is itself an interesting thing.

42541: Cromire - Tuesday, July 2 2024 - 12:18 AM

You know, I find it interesting that Mr. "Not liable for any mess up" didn't react at all to the comment about "Finding something that Executives want to burry".
And instead immediately radio'd for new orders.

42542: TaranAlvein - Tuesday, July 2 2024 - 10:49 AM

@Cromire - It's one thing to have a target misidentified. It's another thing entirely to fight against other certified heroes. That probably isn't so easy to brush off, especially since he has no orders regarding what to do with them.

42546: Eight - Wednesday, July 3 2024 - 1:39 AM

@random "OFF", as in "shut off", neutralized, murdered.

42561: Syhkane - Thursday, July 4 2024 - 2:03 AM

no the colloquialism is "taken care of"

"taken care off" isn't a thing

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