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Burk - 3875
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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Saturday, June 29 2024 - 2:23 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Good girl.

Oh huh.

42447: Saiko - Saturday, June 29 2024 - 3:02 AM

Uhm... A successful save throw? Or someone has disabled the anti-magic field generator?

42448: Ivan - Friday, June 28 2024 - 8:58 PM

Heroes are coming!

42449: Illyia - Friday, June 28 2024 - 10:39 PM

Her staff only started glowing in the 2nd panel and then the field vanished.

Perhaps her staff is a connection back to the wizard king and well if so they just goofed

42455: Silver - Saturday, June 29 2024 - 9:11 AM

@Illyia Nah it's been glowing before he's just hiding the sparks with his foot

42456: TaranAlvein - Saturday, June 29 2024 - 9:15 AM

Wait, who's that behind the kid? It looks like a giant man made of ice.

42457: someone - Saturday, June 29 2024 - 9:21 AM

@Illyia It's the same image of the staff. A character is in front of the sparkles. It's looked like this every single time it's been in a panel so far.

42458: Kiithnaras - Saturday, June 29 2024 - 2:49 AM

@Illyia Sadly, the staff has been sparkling all the time. His foot is simply mostly obscuring it in the first panel. Go back a few pages and see that it's been sparkly the whole time it's been lying there. This is definitely outside intervention from local heroes.

42459: Aston Whiteman - Saturday, June 29 2024 - 10:05 AM

Esper power boost means no more magic in city..

42460: Deliverance - Saturday, June 29 2024 - 10:33 AM


Not so. Her staff was glowing while inside the field throughout https://www.neorice.com/hoh_3871.

42462: Eight - Saturday, June 29 2024 - 1:19 PM

There are two persons next to Pablo, who also did "... HUH?", right? Maybe also some persons next to Burk and a person next to Guy? Then the executives can go "... HUH?" next.

42463: Zyzyzyryxy - Saturday, June 29 2024 - 7:30 AM

@TaranAlvein it's the ice hand. It was there already in 3853 and better visible in 3846 for example.

42467: Sporf - Saturday, June 29 2024 - 4:32 PM

I think our clawed friend here might be in trouble. I can't say I'm too sad for him, he's far too willing to follow orders that he knows are wrong. He's deluded himself that he's still a good person.

42472: Hmm - Saturday, June 29 2024 - 6:00 PM

Think it's the snow queen? Given she should have her powers back now.

42475: Sporf - Saturday, June 29 2024 - 10:32 PM

@Saiko, There's no anti magic field, it was just a force field preventing escape. Piper still had magic but wasn't fast enough to use it.

42478: someone - Saturday, June 29 2024 - 11:13 PM

Looks like she had some sort of contingency protection against assassination. "You would kill me while I'm unarmed", no way she's saying that just because she thinks guilt-tripping or shame-tripping would be effective. That's gotta be the equivalent of "you've just activated my trap card".

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