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Burk - 3861
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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Saturday, June 15 2024 - 4:48 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Hammer in the field.

Hammerin the heroes ...

42272: zet - Friday, June 14 2024 - 10:06 PM

So that's what the bosses are doing? Micromanaging the heroes? Realistic!

42275: Stinger - Saturday, June 15 2024 - 6:33 AM

Release the hostage Burk

42276: Dave the Not Nightmare - Saturday, June 15 2024 - 8:36 AM

Man it has got to duck to be Kaiser, like you know something shady is going on but you have no clue what and clearly higher up management is in on it but you don’t know how high up it goes and you’re in the middle of a mission so you can’t just stop it, you can’t investigate it, you can’t report it, you gotta just get through the day and hopefully report it to someone later.

42291: Paintr - Sunday, June 16 2024 - 3:05 PM

Versus those times when they'll cover for bystander deaths. How chilling.

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