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Burk - 3856
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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Monday, June 10 2024 - 9:59 PM
By: Neoriceisgood

It's TIME.

To get Hammered!!!!

42207: mayhemeffect - Monday, June 10 2024 - 10:02 PM

please that is so bad, burk is not just going to avoid it he is going to use it to improve his own situation. he might approve the quip and use it when he wails on someone sle with a hammer, but how could this guy think that it will stop burk.

42208: Leo - Monday, June 10 2024 - 10:15 PM

Hahah! This is a wonderful twist.

42209: MC Hammer - Monday, June 10 2024 - 11:21 PM

You can't touch this
You can't touch this
You can't touch this
You can't touch this
Stop, hammer time!

42211: Sloss - Tuesday, June 11 2024 - 12:31 AM

Looks like morty's taking this one

42212: Nathan400 - Tuesday, June 11 2024 - 1:23 AM

This is bad. Real bad. Really really bad.

Burk's painting is history.

42213: Thursday - Tuesday, June 11 2024 - 1:51 AM

I see there's a chance for a hammer to hit the hostage

42214: someone - Tuesday, June 11 2024 - 2:36 AM

Sir, uh, you know that means...

42215: Some guy - Tuesday, June 11 2024 - 3:26 AM

Ow. This hurts. That guy really needs some rethoric lessons.

42216: someone - Tuesday, June 11 2024 - 3:46 AM

Of course that guy wouldn't quote MC Hammer correctly.

Which makes sense. In his case, I think he's more interested in "you can't dodge this" than in "you can't touch this".

42217: K - Tuesday, June 11 2024 - 3:51 AM

Those are… physical hammers. Oh, my, something that can actually hit Burk.

42218: Tom - Monday, June 10 2024 - 10:31 PM

How long were you sitting on this one, Neorice?

42219: Hmm - Tuesday, June 11 2024 - 6:30 AM

So this is the hero of hammers.

42220: AnonymousPerson - Tuesday, June 11 2024 - 6:41 AM

Oh boy, it's Tim Badler, the Nexus Hammer!!!

42221: random - Tuesday, June 11 2024 - 8:49 AM

Burk: Can't touch this!

42222: Garrulous - Tuesday, June 11 2024 - 9:03 AM

Sorry, but I am pretty sure Burk is into clean living given how built he is. No getting hammered for him.

42223: Aston Whiteman - Tuesday, June 11 2024 - 9:18 AM

And then Burke finds the flaw, glass jaw hammer time.

42224: Saiko - Tuesday, June 11 2024 - 10:22 AM

Ha ha ha, Neo's trolling :)

But it seems that this is also a quipping hero, like Burk but licensed, so a serious threat.

42225: -skimmer- - Tuesday, June 11 2024 - 11:09 AM

Its pub time!

42226: Gobo - Tuesday, June 11 2024 - 6:06 AM

can we talk about the fact that the hammers basically went everywhere *but* at Burk. like burk. buddy. just duck.

42227: Thursday - Tuesday, June 11 2024 - 11:07 PM

little did you know, instead of causing physical pain when the hammers hit, they actually inject alcohol into your veins and make you get hammered

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