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Burk - 3840
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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Sunday, May 26 2024 - 1:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Reports of Burk with a giant painting.

Well at least these reports are accurate.

42044: Eight - Sunday, May 26 2024 - 1:51 AM

There is no giant on the painting at all, but a pig. But we don't talk about those, do we?

42045: Hmm - Sunday, May 26 2024 - 2:41 AM

How much do you want to bet that Burk accidentally gets the executives to confess about their big plan while just running around.

42046: Deliverance - Sunday, May 26 2024 - 3:26 AM

Physics sat down at the bar to drown its sorrows, considering the mechanics of Morty and the Pig-picture tied to Burk's back.

"It wasn't me!" Physics insisted to bartender. "There's no way that could balance, and I should know."

"Uhoh", the bartender replied compassionately.

"Magic, now, magic I understand."


"It is a fundamental force, you see."

"You don't say."

"Part of my portfolio, if I say so myself. Though some might disagree."

"Perish the thought."

"But this isn't magic! Ever since this pantless man fell from the sky, he's been violating me!

Ah, he was one of those, thought the bartender, and answered kindly, "I think I know the man of whom you are speaking. You might want to have a word with Logic, sitting at the end of the bar, weeping in his beer. You have much in common. Sanity and Fate too, but they aren't in tonight. Attending a self-help group somewhere. Need another?" he gestured meaningfully at Physics' glass.

"Don't mind if I do."

Whomever or whatever his pantless man was, there was no denying he was good for business.

42047: WiseGuy - Sunday, May 26 2024 - 7:48 AM

You might say that Burk is a menace to science!

42048: Saiko - Sunday, May 26 2024 - 1:08 PM

After so many concussions, will Morty be normal again some day?

42049: Violet - Sunday, May 26 2024 - 2:57 PM

Again, Piper shouldn't be in the city. Still expecting a plot twist of some kind with regards to Pablo and Guy.

42050: Leo - Sunday, May 26 2024 - 3:35 PM

Morty is a corpse, at this point.

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