Monday, February 12 2024 - 11:58 AM
By: Zalander

Check outside ...
Oh the foolhardiness. Do you really think it'd be so easy to undo a mistake of such a fundamental nature?
Stay in your lane, keep your hands to yourself. That is how you avoid getting burned. Zahaha ...
Well at least the pillars seem to have reverted back to their not omninously glowing and expanding state. I suppose that is good news.
Our pal Jasper is being somewhat transparent with us. Normally this is a good thing, but the implication at the moment seems to be somewhat more dire for Valiant.
@Gorzag the fact the Jasper is fading away isn't that much of a good sign.
Sure, it's an annoying character and we won't miss him. (Some might even say it is actually a good thing.)
It feels to me as if the device alternates between the Cosmonaut's original world/plane and whatever destination is set.
Either way, it is curious that both that circle in the ground and the exterior change places.
Uh-oh. There used to be 4 pillars, and now there are 3. But they need 4 magic batteries to move the place.