Wednesday, February 7 2024 - 11:29 PM
By: Zalander

Otherside venture.
As you push yourself through the cracks left by the impertinence of those that came before, do not cry and scream as you succeed and gain access to inadmissable places.
Held, why would you want to go back? It's Sword Art Online minus the bad!
Well Held, think about it this way: you'll need to repopulate this barren world.
"Impertinence"? Something tells me the Technomancer were not welcome or threatened as guests. I still say Geoff was the first Technomancer that we saw.
Maybe ... earth is a game world for those other side beings?
I was ignoring the mentions of Earth because I figured it was just a translation convention. I hadn't thought this was supposed to be OUR Earth. But last page someone said that Noah got called Asian? Hmm, maybe we are the technomancers...
@AnonymousPerson: You still think it as "your" Earth?! Ha, ha, ha, ha,...
Ayo WHAT?? Wanna say that again, but slower this time??
I believe Neo confirmed prior in a Q&A that Noah being called asian was simply a matter of convenience for the readers/avoiding unnecessary confusion by making up races & terms just to be "technically coherent". So for all intents & purposes in this world's case, as far as we're concerned, its just the term for his race, not a reference to to the country.
Zalander! Is Zalander mad about what they've done? Or is Zalander just telling it how it is.
Still waiting for the locals to come and say hi. I'm sure they'll be filled with joy to send all them home!
Does anyone know where this quote comes from or did @Neorice just make up this beautiful statement? "As you push yourself through the cracks left by the impertinence of those that came before, do not cry and scream as you succeed and gain access to inadmissable places."