40309: noname - Saturday, January 6 2024 - 4:43 PM
If we're talking science, then: A hypothesis is a theory that has no empirical evidence to support it, only extrapolation based upon evidence and theories that have held up for similar cases. A theory is a hypothesis that has empirical evidence supporting the conclusions it has arrived at.
40327: Sporf - Sunday, January 7 2024 - 11:42 AM
So in affect. He's looking for evidence to support his hypothesis and make into a working theory.
If we're talking science, then: A hypothesis is a theory that has no empirical evidence to support it, only extrapolation based upon evidence and theories that have held up for similar cases. A theory is a hypothesis that has empirical evidence supporting the conclusions it has arrived at.
So in affect. He's looking for evidence to support his hypothesis and make into a working theory.