37320: The Someoner - Friday, June 16 2023 - 12:21 AM
I love how the bloodstain followed him out. He is self-cleaning. Very tidy.
37321: Anthony - Friday, June 16 2023 - 12:33 AM
I guess that answers the question of whether Burk can see spirits.
37322: Aston Whiteman - Friday, June 16 2023 - 1:25 AM
Pretty sure Burke is made of the opposite stuff of black crystal or he can simply negate magical attacks.
He's got balls of gold after all...
37323: Strannik - Friday, June 16 2023 - 1:36 AM
So Burk has the Sight and can recognize personal IME.
37324: baron - Friday, June 16 2023 - 4:12 AM
Soooooo, certain magic disguises do not work on Burk? The plot THICKENS
37325: noname - Friday, June 16 2023 - 4:45 AM
It's amazing how consistently Burk can be an absolute goof, yet also have a perfecter grasp than most when it comes to the essential information.
37326: Rocky Rumbling Rascal - Friday, June 16 2023 - 6:15 AM
Impressive that he could recognize that… maybe his shoulder angel whispered it in his ear?
37327: Flangan - Friday, June 16 2023 - 6:31 AM
The reason why Burk can hurt and see spirit, is because he has gold.
His heart is made of gold, and he puts his heart in every punch.
Or something something. XD
Have a great day Neoriceisgood
37328: Some guy - Friday, June 16 2023 - 7:10 AM
"Please bleed somewhere else, Morty."
37329: TheMegax - Friday, June 16 2023 - 7:20 AM
I wouldn't be so sure about Burk having the Sight just yet. These wandering spirits can interact with the world physically, unlike Ciel or Infinite's spirit. The lady that hires Evyle to erase her husband spirit (https://neorice.com/hoh_burk_1553) could presumably see and/or hear him despite not having the Sight.
37330: Mystik - Friday, June 16 2023 - 7:29 AM
The odd thing about Burk being an esper is that you think we would've seen a lot more of the disturbing pandemonium spirits throughout this.
37331: Mystik - Friday, June 16 2023 - 7:30 AM
I suspect that his powers are actually somehow related to the little Burk devils. They did warn him to move, and might be related to his immunity to telegraphed attacks.
37332: Fuz - Friday, June 16 2023 - 9:46 AM
Can't wait to see him punch her.
37333: Sporf - Friday, June 16 2023 - 10:25 AM
Burk doesn't necessarily have the sight, we don't know if anyone else can see this. The spirit implied earlier that she made deals with lots of people for money, she may be able to just manifest.
37334: Brilliand - Friday, June 16 2023 - 2:32 PM
@Sporf But most people couldn't see Vonesperda attached to the cat.
37335: Zed - Friday, June 16 2023 - 4:00 PM
She used the heroland corporate members, with Morty as her proxy. That's why it is shaders disguised as bandits.
37336: KubeRoot - Friday, June 16 2023 - 4:03 PM
I love the thought of describing Burk as "sneaky" and "little"
37337: TaranAlvein - Friday, June 16 2023 - 4:33 PM
It's also possible that Burk recognized her voice, since he spoke with her twice before.
37338: Anthony - Friday, June 16 2023 - 5:45 PM
@sporf we don't know if anyone else can see whats currently going on, but it's pretty clear that other people couldn't see that the cat was possessed.
37343: Sporf - Saturday, June 17 2023 - 2:24 AM
Burk didn't know the cat was possessed. When he was looking for talking cats he was wandering around asking them if the could talk. He wouldn't need to if he could see the posession. Heveven saw the one that could talk and left it alone. When he signed the contract and saw the cat it was still only suspicious because it could talk. I think he just recognizes the voice.
We still don't know why he even wanted to talk to the cats in the first place. His desire to talk to them seemingly came out of the blue.
Everybody wants to be a cat..!
Except fo Burk, of course. He is Burk.
I love how the bloodstain followed him out. He is self-cleaning. Very tidy.
I guess that answers the question of whether Burk can see spirits.
Pretty sure Burke is made of the opposite stuff of black crystal or he can simply negate magical attacks.
He's got balls of gold after all...
So Burk has the Sight and can recognize personal IME.
Soooooo, certain magic disguises do not work on Burk? The plot THICKENS
It's amazing how consistently Burk can be an absolute goof, yet also have a perfecter grasp than most when it comes to the essential information.
Impressive that he could recognize that… maybe his shoulder angel whispered it in his ear?
The reason why Burk can hurt and see spirit, is because he has gold.
His heart is made of gold, and he puts his heart in every punch.
Or something something. XD
Have a great day Neoriceisgood
"Please bleed somewhere else, Morty."
I wouldn't be so sure about Burk having the Sight just yet. These wandering spirits can interact with the world physically, unlike Ciel or Infinite's spirit. The lady that hires Evyle to erase her husband spirit (https://neorice.com/hoh_burk_1553) could presumably see and/or hear him despite not having the Sight.
The odd thing about Burk being an esper is that you think we would've seen a lot more of the disturbing pandemonium spirits throughout this.
I suspect that his powers are actually somehow related to the little Burk devils. They did warn him to move, and might be related to his immunity to telegraphed attacks.
Can't wait to see him punch her.
Burk doesn't necessarily have the sight, we don't know if anyone else can see this. The spirit implied earlier that she made deals with lots of people for money, she may be able to just manifest.
@Sporf But most people couldn't see Vonesperda attached to the cat.
She used the heroland corporate members, with Morty as her proxy. That's why it is shaders disguised as bandits.
I love the thought of describing Burk as "sneaky" and "little"
It's also possible that Burk recognized her voice, since he spoke with her twice before.
@sporf we don't know if anyone else can see whats currently going on, but it's pretty clear that other people couldn't see that the cat was possessed.
Burk didn't know the cat was possessed. When he was looking for talking cats he was wandering around asking them if the could talk. He wouldn't need to if he could see the posession. Heveven saw the one that could talk and left it alone. When he signed the contract and saw the cat it was still only suspicious because it could talk. I think he just recognizes the voice.
We still don't know why he even wanted to talk to the cats in the first place. His desire to talk to them seemingly came out of the blue.