34243: Nanashi - Friday, November 11 2022 - 1:00 AM
congrats on the 400 pages and thanks for the mass update!
34244: Soup - Friday, November 11 2022 - 1:37 AM
Oh God... With that rig holding his mouth open, the impact of the slab of floor they are on against the floor below would shatter all of Noah's teeth, if not his entire jaw!
34245: joe - Friday, November 11 2022 - 1:44 AM
34246: Tom - Friday, November 11 2022 - 3:56 AM
I guess you don't need to kill the dentist if you stop Chernyl.
34248: Dave the Not Nightmare - Friday, November 11 2022 - 4:20 AM
Well I guess this works out right? They�€™re still heading down, just as planned. Except Noah is strapped to a dentist chair. And he may or may not have made a deal with a nightmare. Oh well at least he didn�€™t have his teeth checked for cavities.
34250: Detective Caillou - Friday, November 11 2022 - 7:15 AM
@Soup: Probably why Grey Child gave him that last warning about needing to make a bubble even if it taxes his body too much.
34251: Lurker - Friday, November 11 2022 - 8:31 AM
Why is there a Noah at the bottom of the first panel?
34252: Darius Drake - Friday, November 11 2022 - 3:26 PM
I don't remember the physics, but I feel like Noah's in a REALLY bad position for falling, strapped to the chair like that. Of course, I could easily be wrong, but I'm fairly certain that I'm not.
34253: TheMegax - Friday, November 11 2022 - 5:34 PM
Lmao I didn't notice that. Just a goof I suppose, but it would be delighfully creepy if it was some sort of nightmare clone situation
congrats on the 400 pages and thanks for the mass update!
Oh God... With that rig holding his mouth open, the impact of the slab of floor they are on against the floor below would shatter all of Noah's teeth, if not his entire jaw!
I guess you don't need to kill the dentist if you stop Chernyl.
Well I guess this works out right? They�€™re still heading down, just as planned. Except Noah is strapped to a dentist chair. And he may or may not have made a deal with a nightmare. Oh well at least he didn�€™t have his teeth checked for cavities.
@Soup: Probably why Grey Child gave him that last warning about needing to make a bubble even if it taxes his body too much.
Why is there a Noah at the bottom of the first panel?
I don't remember the physics, but I feel like Noah's in a REALLY bad position for falling, strapped to the chair like that. Of course, I could easily be wrong, but I'm fairly certain that I'm not.
Lmao I didn't notice that. Just a goof I suppose, but it would be delighfully creepy if it was some sort of nightmare clone situation