34174: Brilliand - Wednesday, November 9 2022 - 1:35 AM
Noah's POV pls
34175: Not a real name - Wednesday, November 9 2022 - 2:47 AM
Skull face is definitely changing the direction he�€™s facing.
34177: A Loquacious Theorizer - Wednesday, November 9 2022 - 2:58 AM
Noah reads, maybe he can convince The Dental Physician that teeth and bones are different?
34178: Zyzyzyryxy - Wednesday, November 9 2022 - 3:23 AM
I thought it was mentioned this is the last nightmare chapter?
If it would not be the case, this would be a perfect (altough very cruel!) cliffhanger to move to another main character...
34179: Paintr - Wednesday, November 9 2022 - 4:09 AM
I wonder how Noah can make it out alive against this guy? He's like double out of spirit, and even his power would probably kill him if he tried going inside a mind like the Dentist.
34180: Epsiloh - Wednesday, November 9 2022 - 4:29 AM
Turns out the dentist was literally just that and noah gets his teeth cleaned
34181: Whim - Wednesday, November 9 2022 - 5:22 AM
Well, it was nice Noah-ing you.
34182: Z2 - Wednesday, November 9 2022 - 5:36 AM
You know it only just occurred to me earlier that Chernyl's name might be pronounced 'Charnel'. As in the charnel houses. As in the slightly archaic adjective meaning 'pertaining to death.'
If I ever find myself in a magic world I'm naming my kid 'Lapin'. Can't get pun-related apocalypse powers if your name is fluffy bunnies.
Okay I suppose you could cause a bunny-related apocalypse.
34183: Liack - Wednesday, November 9 2022 - 5:49 AM
Open your mouth. Say "AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!".
34184: Zed - Wednesday, November 9 2022 - 6:33 AM
While it would be a lot of sprite work, the idea of literally having the comic from Noah's first person POV sounds really really neato.
But while strapped to a dentist chair? I think I'll pass.
34185: Frozenstep - Wednesday, November 9 2022 - 7:15 AM
Pros: Clean teeth.
Cons: Clean skull.
34186: Tom - Wednesday, November 9 2022 - 8:07 AM
Please refer to the voting incentive, where Noah expresses his biggest fear.
34187: Feddlefew - Wednesday, November 9 2022 - 8:30 AM
We have one more nightmare to go from the chapter title page as well.
34188: Anon E. Moose - Wednesday, November 9 2022 - 8:43 AM
@Wednesday uhhh 8 wordish words as spoken by an enchanter named Tim, "Oh it's just a harmless little bunny innit?!"
34189: someone - Wednesday, November 9 2022 - 1:21 PM
@Anon E. Moose: Tim is the one who warns about the danger of the rabbit's pointy teeth. It's one of the knights who thinks the bunny is harmless.
Noah's POV pls
Skull face is definitely changing the direction he�€™s facing.
Noah reads, maybe he can convince The Dental Physician that teeth and bones are different?
I thought it was mentioned this is the last nightmare chapter?
If it would not be the case, this would be a perfect (altough very cruel!) cliffhanger to move to another main character...
I wonder how Noah can make it out alive against this guy? He's like double out of spirit, and even his power would probably kill him if he tried going inside a mind like the Dentist.
Turns out the dentist was literally just that and noah gets his teeth cleaned
Well, it was nice Noah-ing you.
You know it only just occurred to me earlier that Chernyl's name might be pronounced 'Charnel'. As in the charnel houses. As in the slightly archaic adjective meaning 'pertaining to death.'
If I ever find myself in a magic world I'm naming my kid 'Lapin'. Can't get pun-related apocalypse powers if your name is fluffy bunnies.
Okay I suppose you could cause a bunny-related apocalypse.
Open your mouth. Say "AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!".
While it would be a lot of sprite work, the idea of literally having the comic from Noah's first person POV sounds really really neato.
But while strapped to a dentist chair? I think I'll pass.
Pros: Clean teeth.
Cons: Clean skull.
Please refer to the voting incentive, where Noah expresses his biggest fear.
We have one more nightmare to go from the chapter title page as well.
@Wednesday uhhh 8 wordish words as spoken by an enchanter named Tim, "Oh it's just a harmless little bunny innit?!"
@Anon E. Moose: Tim is the one who warns about the danger of the rabbit's pointy teeth. It's one of the knights who thinks the bunny is harmless.
Good thing the dentist is magic, and Noah really doesn't want any of that!
@Z2 I'd be just as afraid of naming my kid something that implies "pathetic" as of naming my kid something that implies "apocalypse".