Good job, Noah, all that time practicing stealth really came to fruition
34119: Whim - Friday, November 4 2022 - 5:27 AM
I've been to dentists before.
It's exactly like this, you nailed it.
34120: harison86 - Friday, November 4 2022 - 7:19 AM
There's more blood involved with real dentists.
And they always tell you you're bleeding because you don't floss (not because they just stabbed you).
34121: Mystik - Friday, November 4 2022 - 8:28 AM
It's interesting that Noah's strategy of pretending to be dead is apparently effective at keeping interest off of him.
34122: TheMegax - Friday, November 4 2022 - 9:07 AM
Oh don't worry Neo, my nightmare dentist dad says this is accurate. You just need to add some high-pitched drills and you're basically there!
34123: Tom - Friday, November 4 2022 - 9:57 AM
What's with the skull-headed Gazz clones?
34124: Thursday - Friday, November 4 2022 - 10:43 AM
My guess is that every time Gazz dies, he rewinds time but the dead body stays there
must be a secret undiscovered power or something
Well, either that, or he's just wearing a hospital gown just like everyone else who was in the hospital at the time (They're inside a hospital right now, right?)
34125: Pablo360 - Friday, November 4 2022 - 10:50 AM
@Tom They were hospital patrons who got their teeth cleaned very thoroughly.
34126: Z2 - Friday, November 4 2022 - 11:45 AM
Hmm, I wonder if you could actually deal with this nightmare by... forcibly removing all your teeth yourself before he can and giving them to him. I mean, your teeth are right there now! He can clean them so hard they're no longer attached to ANYTHING without injuring you any further. And while it'd be violent and painful, suddenly having no teeth is probably still more survivable than having no flesh anywhere on your head.
34127: The_Squished_Elf - Friday, November 4 2022 - 12:48 PM
Pretty sure they�€™re Scleramancer minions that got dentist-ed.
34128: Maiker - Friday, November 4 2022 - 2:39 PM
I believe they are the other people from hospital whom have already been cleaned by doctor
34129: Loyde - Saturday, November 5 2022 - 1:03 AM
It's also amusing how a little girl's interpretaion of a dentist thinks he know anything about medecine
Good job, Noah, all that time practicing stealth really came to fruition
I've been to dentists before.
It's exactly like this, you nailed it.
There's more blood involved with real dentists.
And they always tell you you're bleeding because you don't floss (not because they just stabbed you).
It's interesting that Noah's strategy of pretending to be dead is apparently effective at keeping interest off of him.
Oh don't worry Neo, my nightmare dentist dad says this is accurate. You just need to add some high-pitched drills and you're basically there!
What's with the skull-headed Gazz clones?
My guess is that every time Gazz dies, he rewinds time but the dead body stays there
must be a secret undiscovered power or something
Well, either that, or he's just wearing a hospital gown just like everyone else who was in the hospital at the time (They're inside a hospital right now, right?)
@Tom They were hospital patrons who got their teeth cleaned very thoroughly.
Hmm, I wonder if you could actually deal with this nightmare by... forcibly removing all your teeth yourself before he can and giving them to him. I mean, your teeth are right there now! He can clean them so hard they're no longer attached to ANYTHING without injuring you any further. And while it'd be violent and painful, suddenly having no teeth is probably still more survivable than having no flesh anywhere on your head.
Pretty sure they�€™re Scleramancer minions that got dentist-ed.
I believe they are the other people from hospital whom have already been cleaned by doctor
It's also amusing how a little girl's interpretaion of a dentist thinks he know anything about medecine