Noah's Speech levels have decreased thanks to the situation, to be fair.
32689: The_Squished_Elf - Sunday, July 24 2022 - 4:05 AM
Damn Noah. I know you just got out of that situation but like�€¦ don�€™t be a nosy nobby, man. How the heck would you respond to prying questions like that?
32690: AnonymousPerson - Sunday, July 24 2022 - 5:31 AM
Noah: Lemme poke at your traumatizing and painful backstory for a hot second...
32691: Zed - Sunday, July 24 2022 - 10:14 AM
First time we've seen angry eyebrows sprite on Noel, I think.
32692: Orange - Sunday, July 24 2022 - 10:49 AM
Noah's lived a bit of a sheltered life, hasn't he? Hasn't even eaten a single human heart
32693: someone - Sunday, July 24 2022 - 11:50 AM
Noah didn't pay attention when Noel talked about dissociating as hard as possible when dealing with "Daddy".
32694: Brownie24128 - Sunday, July 24 2022 - 12:58 PM
We saw it already on page 2527 when daddy said Malhart got what he deserved.
32695: Aston Whiteman - Sunday, July 24 2022 - 2:41 PM
Get down...!
32696: noname - Sunday, July 24 2022 - 3:15 PM
Not cool, Noah. If Noel yells at you after saying that, then I won't blame him... but given that he may still be dissociating (no point in stopping while still in Chernyl's Haven) he may actually just let it slide with a snide comeback and little more...
32697: Feddlefew - Sunday, July 24 2022 - 6:07 PM
This seems like an excellent way to attract the attention of the nightmares they are trying to avoid.
32698: Pablo360 - Sunday, July 24 2022 - 7:27 PM
Oh, shit�€¦ I hope those are two separate events, but�€¦
Noah's Speech levels have decreased thanks to the situation, to be fair.
Damn Noah. I know you just got out of that situation but like�€¦ don�€™t be a nosy nobby, man. How the heck would you respond to prying questions like that?
Noah: Lemme poke at your traumatizing and painful backstory for a hot second...
First time we've seen angry eyebrows sprite on Noel, I think.
Noah's lived a bit of a sheltered life, hasn't he? Hasn't even eaten a single human heart
Noah didn't pay attention when Noel talked about dissociating as hard as possible when dealing with "Daddy".
We saw it already on page 2527 when daddy said Malhart got what he deserved.
Get down...!
Not cool, Noah. If Noel yells at you after saying that, then I won't blame him... but given that he may still be dissociating (no point in stopping while still in Chernyl's Haven) he may actually just let it slide with a snide comeback and little more...
This seems like an excellent way to attract the attention of the nightmares they are trying to avoid.
Oh, shit�€¦ I hope those are two separate events, but�€¦