Friday, May 6 2022 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Into the fog.
And with that part 2 of Chernyl's Nightmare ends.
Make sure to bookmark today's page as today we'll be doing a [smallish] chapter drop.
No avalanche of chapter drops this time sadly as work + life haven't left me with the energy to quite keep up with buffer work at the speed I had hoped.
Still, enjoy!
So the only 2 people who could do something about this situation are out of the game ? this is worse than worsest.
Thanks Nerorice, great chapter, looking forward to the drop. Wonderful storytelling.
@Neoriceisgood your Noah arc is brilliant so far! Thank you so much for your time and energy with Hero oh Hero! :-)
Lovin' it.
The fact that you make free daily comics this good is already incredible. Thanks Neo!
The URL you need to bookmark:
Another chapter drop? Great news! And take care of yourself, it's more important than your (gigantic) buffer. :)
Careful, Noah. At that angle and speed you could've broken your neck on a Noel.
Bro, take your time, this is bangingĀ´, just be chill, we can wait.
Thanks a lot for your great work. <3
This chapter was again full of great character developement, interesting plot twist, scary nightmares (JSP!) and an exciting story. It's so much fun to read, really loving it :)
A fate worth than death? Hope these three find a way out of there.
Only you classify "there's a limit to how often I can drop entire chapters instead of just doing a daily comic" as failing to keep up.
Neorice, you know that there a people who post a page about once every month (or second month), and that is still keeping up? When you need time, you take time! Pretty please!