He said something about nightmares indistinguishable from humans, but I don't remember the page's number
30796: joe - Friday, March 25 2022 - 12:15 AM
spontaneous nose bleed btw :P
30797: Feddlefew - Friday, March 25 2022 - 12:33 AM
You know. I don�€™t know if anyone has mentioned this, but Veda could be the perfectly human nightmare. A perfect combination of authority figure with intent to destroy Chernyl�€™s adoptive family and someone who wants to use her powers for malevolent ends. And Veda has that particular offness that goes with an alien mind pretending to be human and just tipping into the uncanny valley, like the flower pot on the piano keys on pg 543.
Or Veda is a ghoul with disgusting abilities, since they haven�€™t been mentioned and the elf way back in the first chapter was killed by a Veda shaped monster.
30798: Whim - Friday, March 25 2022 - 12:45 AM
Noah buys a microscope
30799: Strannik - Friday, March 25 2022 - 1:29 AM
Noel did say something about this at the end of page 2195. It is not reassuring
30800: Tom - Friday, March 25 2022 - 4:42 AM
You can do this!
30802: TheMegax - Friday, March 25 2022 - 5:12 AM
What Noel said about simulated life:
30803: Seb - Friday, March 25 2022 - 6:00 AM
Nice to see him take this really seriously. There's no other choice. Also good for him to have someone to talk it with
30804: tracer - Friday, March 25 2022 - 7:58 AM
Outlining his options.
30805: Brilliand - Friday, March 25 2022 - 9:06 AM
@Feddlefew Veda is not one of Chernyl's nightmares. She's established to be a foreigner.
30806: Precht - Friday, March 25 2022 - 9:34 AM
I don't know how to quote or alert someone so I'm just going to point out that the Veda-looking person that presumably killed an elf was on page 324.
Another interesting thing I found while looking around is on page 314, where upon their first introduction Ciel welcomes Noah with "Welcome, Minori".
I got to say I have been loving this adventure lately, it's so very cool to see Noah in this horror journey, and doing gradually better!
Also, you have such an awesome menagerie here, as someone who's been playing doom mods a lot lately, I imagine it would be super awesome to have this bunch of creatures in doom, just a random thought.
30829: Mousio - Monday, March 28 2022 - 11:57 AM
We still know too little about Veda (and this whole world in general) to be sure of anything, but I'm pretty certain she is not a ghoul. In 324 we see her "other" form and it resembles a snake most of all, not a shambling/stitched body.
But then again, too little; too soon. Best wait (:
He said something about nightmares indistinguishable from humans, but I don't remember the page's number
spontaneous nose bleed btw :P
You know. I don�€™t know if anyone has mentioned this, but Veda could be the perfectly human nightmare. A perfect combination of authority figure with intent to destroy Chernyl�€™s adoptive family and someone who wants to use her powers for malevolent ends. And Veda has that particular offness that goes with an alien mind pretending to be human and just tipping into the uncanny valley, like the flower pot on the piano keys on pg 543.
Or Veda is a ghoul with disgusting abilities, since they haven�€™t been mentioned and the elf way back in the first chapter was killed by a Veda shaped monster.
Noah buys a microscope
Noel did say something about this at the end of page 2195. It is not reassuring
You can do this!
What Noel said about simulated life:
Nice to see him take this really seriously. There's no other choice. Also good for him to have someone to talk it with
Outlining his options.
@Feddlefew Veda is not one of Chernyl's nightmares. She's established to be a foreigner.
I don't know how to quote or alert someone so I'm just going to point out that the Veda-looking person that presumably killed an elf was on page 324.
Another interesting thing I found while looking around is on page 314, where upon their first introduction Ciel welcomes Noah with "Welcome, Minori".
I got to say I have been loving this adventure lately, it's so very cool to see Noah in this horror journey, and doing gradually better!
Also, you have such an awesome menagerie here, as someone who's been playing doom mods a lot lately, I imagine it would be super awesome to have this bunch of creatures in doom, just a random thought.
We still know too little about Veda (and this whole world in general) to be sure of anything, but I'm pretty certain she is not a ghoul. In 324 we see her "other" form and it resembles a snake most of all, not a shambling/stitched body.
But then again, too little; too soon. Best wait (: