I doubt you get to be the top smuggler in a tyrannical dictatorship without a bit of sense.
30513: Aston Whiteman - Tuesday, March 8 2022 - 2:30 AM
Hope the smuggler survives until the end when one-winged angel Veda appears.
30514: Tom - Tuesday, March 8 2022 - 4:00 AM
This sketchy underground fellow is one million times smarter than #1 and #2 combined.
30515: Franz - Tuesday, March 8 2022 - 5:08 AM
... or you might not want to see...
30516: Paintr - Tuesday, March 8 2022 - 5:13 AM
Aw, that was really sweet. Or maybe it's just the first bit of open respect Noah's gotten in a long while.
30517: Strannik - Tuesday, March 8 2022 - 5:16 AM
From the cover page 2340, we had already the spiders, the tall smilling guys, and the mouthburster... leaving only the smiling head with ribs... who here thinks too thta Timmy is a nightmare ?
30518: K - Tuesday, March 8 2022 - 5:43 AM
Sketchy crossbow is a genius.
30519: -D- - Tuesday, March 8 2022 - 8:02 AM
Tom, that's not hard.
#1 and #2 have intelligence of a soggy biscuit. My Roomba has more smarts than that.
30520: UnknownID - Tuesday, March 8 2022 - 8:21 AM
Do they really want to come and see? I don't think so xD
30521: Bogg - Tuesday, March 8 2022 - 9:47 AM
Now I want Captain Helmer and The Rat to bro up and be awesome together. What a team they'd make.
30522: Dubu - Tuesday, March 8 2022 - 1:02 PM
I wish rat leader survived this.
30523: Fluffynator - Tuesday, March 8 2022 - 1:48 PM
I immediately love this guy. Finally, one that actually pays attention to Radar.
He raises a good point.
Okay,I like ratguy, he is smart
I doubt you get to be the top smuggler in a tyrannical dictatorship without a bit of sense.
Hope the smuggler survives until the end when one-winged angel Veda appears.
This sketchy underground fellow is one million times smarter than #1 and #2 combined.
... or you might not want to see...
Aw, that was really sweet. Or maybe it's just the first bit of open respect Noah's gotten in a long while.
From the cover page 2340, we had already the spiders, the tall smilling guys, and the mouthburster... leaving only the smiling head with ribs... who here thinks too thta Timmy is a nightmare ?
Sketchy crossbow is a genius.
Tom, that's not hard.
#1 and #2 have intelligence of a soggy biscuit. My Roomba has more smarts than that.
Do they really want to come and see? I don't think so xD
Now I want Captain Helmer and The Rat to bro up and be awesome together. What a team they'd make.
I wish rat leader survived this.
I immediately love this guy. Finally, one that actually pays attention to Radar.