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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Friday, February 25 2022 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Commander Halmer.

Disrespected the oh-so reputable JSP?

30350: Paintr - Friday, February 25 2022 - 12:31 AM

I get the feeling something coming.

30351: Joe - Friday, February 25 2022 - 1:28 AM

Jsp knows more than we gave them credit for i think

30352: Nick - Friday, February 25 2022 - 4:05 AM

Twist incoming!

30353: Tom - Friday, February 25 2022 - 4:49 AM

The lighting on #1 is perfect, he looks like the douchebag he is.

30354: TaranAlvein - Friday, February 25 2022 - 5:23 AM

Oh, I don't like that smile. That's a Hellsing smile.

30355: Some guy - Friday, February 25 2022 - 5:54 AM

Frankly, i doubt it. More likely they know far less and are simply way to certain about it.

30356: Franz - Friday, February 25 2022 - 6:28 AM

oh wow that was the first smile in a while and from the least expected character...

30357: Aston Whiteman - Friday, February 25 2022 - 7:32 AM

Ok, all the JSP are trained to be sociopaths. Please die before killing kind military man.

30358: UnknownID - Friday, February 25 2022 - 11:02 AM

This evil grin scares me... o.o

30359: Sporf - Friday, February 25 2022 - 12:32 PM

I was under the impression that the Jsp already knew all of this. They were the ones that initially made the deal with Malhart weren't they?

30360: Sporf - Friday, February 25 2022 - 12:52 PM

Ah. I just reread the start of this and the military and royal guard were all quiet on his association. Still if they were the ones dealing with Malhart in the first place, I don't see why it should bother them, though I suppose they have never outright admitted that. It's just been heavily implied.

30361: LOCKTYDE - Friday, February 25 2022 - 1:09 PM

Perhaps not important for now, but where did the lady in the large glasses (who did not introduce herself) go?

30362: Whisers of Sorrow - Friday, February 25 2022 - 2:00 PM

So what has the commander done?

This is about a threat to their power I'm sure. Could be their own connection to Malhart is the problem - no one must know and Noel might. Or it could be that they're determined to sabotage the Vader project at all costs, as they (and ensign fake smile and the Royal Guard) fear being replaced. After all, if the magic kids are loyal the Empire, why would the current crop of elites be needed?

I mean sure, Vader's missing in action, but that's not the same thing as saying she's dead - and it's not guaranteed the project would be shut down if her death was confirmed, the Royal Guard merely chose to believe it would be. So they need to discredit it.

It could also be that they had some plan in place back at the castle that removing a prisoner would somehow thwart. Possibly the bomb being somehow disrupted by the presence or absence of the freed one, or a plan to butcher the magic kids that will now backfire.

30363: Sporf - Friday, February 25 2022 - 3:08 PM

@Sorrow. I also think Veda might be alive, (also Nail) there is something wierd about both of them and Nail seemed distinctly sure of the possibility when it for a normal person it would be very unlikely. I also agree about the threat to power situation. But not that the Jsp has any interest in sabatoging the Veda project to help the military and Royal Guard maintain their own power. I don't
think it has anything specific to do with the magic kids at all. Justopia appears to be a highly authoritarian constitutional monarchy with the head of government and head of state being separate positions. The Royal Guard answer to the Emperor as the head of State whereas the JSP answer to the President of Justopia as the head of government. I'm not sure who the military answered to, but either way I think both factions lying to the JSP in such a manner might be considered an act of High Treason not just for this one captain but for the entire Royal guard and military leadership. This could just be enough for Number 1 to no longer have faith in the mission and call for the bomb or could have far reaching repercussions if he doesn't that allow the President to accuse the heads of Rival factions and possibly even the Emperor himself of treason. Thus not saving the Empire at all.

30364: moon - Friday, February 25 2022 - 3:28 PM

This JSP guy can't kick the bucket any faster.

30365: Feddlefew - Friday, February 25 2022 - 8:26 PM

... Are these JSP officers the mentioned "Nightmares that are indistinguishable from humans?"

We first saw them after the nightmares were unleashed, and I do not remember seeing any nightmares attack them without there being people we know are real nearby.

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