30262: Person - Friday, February 18 2022 - 12:27 AM
I'm guessing the people with the shadows are people that looked at their eyes?
30263: random - Friday, February 18 2022 - 12:41 AM
Time for expositions?
30264: Joe - Friday, February 18 2022 - 1:14 AM
30265: Eight - Friday, February 18 2022 - 2:11 AM
Want to disagree on safe: There are shadow people here, too. And I do not see a soundless laser gun against the spider hearts. And there is no safe while the "fall back option" (nukes) is still on the table.
30266: GreenDread - Friday, February 18 2022 - 2:18 AM
What is that sly smile?
30267: Aston Whiteman - Friday, February 18 2022 - 2:39 AM
The First Rule about fight club is...
30268: Zyzyzyryxy - Friday, February 18 2022 - 2:51 AM
It will be interesting to see how they plan to explain the situation without sharing the state secrets.
I assume they want to share some knowledge to get those people's help.
30269: Tom - Friday, February 18 2022 - 3:25 AM
New side-characters, new cannon fodder.
30270: someone - Friday, February 18 2022 - 3:43 AM
none of these people are going to live, so get a good look at them now.
30271: Aston Whiteman - Friday, February 18 2022 - 4:37 AM
@someone you mean that they're not actually more nightmare creatures in disguise? Look at that smile in the last panel.
30272: Mystik - Friday, February 18 2022 - 4:56 AM
Honestly, I am disagreeing with the secret police less and less about nuking the city
30273: The_Squished_Elf - Friday, February 18 2022 - 5:24 AM
Oh hey, it�€™s Mustache Cop from the start of the Haven arc. Never thought he�€™d prove to still exist.
30275: Draf Rando - Friday, February 18 2022 - 11:11 AM
I�€™ve been doing an archive binge, so I think I recognize the dean of the academy. He�€™s in the third panel on the far left.
Find page 1288 to compare.
I'm guessing the people with the shadows are people that looked at their eyes?
Time for expositions?
Want to disagree on safe: There are shadow people here, too. And I do not see a soundless laser gun against the spider hearts. And there is no safe while the "fall back option" (nukes) is still on the table.
What is that sly smile?
The First Rule about fight club is...
It will be interesting to see how they plan to explain the situation without sharing the state secrets.
I assume they want to share some knowledge to get those people's help.
New side-characters, new cannon fodder.
none of these people are going to live, so get a good look at them now.
@someone you mean that they're not actually more nightmare creatures in disguise? Look at that smile in the last panel.
Honestly, I am disagreeing with the secret police less and less about nuking the city
Oh hey, it�€™s Mustache Cop from the start of the Haven arc. Never thought he�€™d prove to still exist.
I�€™ve been doing an archive binge, so I think I recognize the dean of the academy. He�€™s in the third panel on the far left.
Find page 1288 to compare.
Recurrent minor characters!