Friday, December 31 2021 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

New Year's Eve.
And this is how we'll close off Hero oh Hero for 2021 it appears!
Sure, why not!
Hey, hope you guys have a great new year's Eve! See you on the flipside tomorrow! :D
I knew it, Noah's dead! Now it's DEFINITELY Burk time.
He's not dead, he's just... Pining for the fjords!
Year end, chapter end, major cliffhanger... Neorice doesn't usually set up cliffhangers like this. I suppose this was actually the most neutral point of separation between two major segments of Noah's adventure?
I suppose whatever method Noah uses to get out of this will set off a pretty serious sequence of events that doesn't have much to do with the group he just got separated from.
He could always enter the mind of one of the nightmares... right?
Oh, that is a really mean cliffhanger! :D
Wish you a great new year'S Eve, too! :)
Do the nightmares have brains and/or minds and do they need to have one of those to enter it? - Good job of Noah to attract all enemy action while his party can sneak up to wake Chernyl, but they should do that fast. - All the best for 2022!
Finally we can back to the real heroes of this story. The JSP Number 1 and number 2.
In no way w critique of the art - which looks unbelievably awesome - but does anyone else think that Gargoyle to the top right looks a bit like it has a witches�€™ hat and robes because of how it�€™s positioned in front of the grand structure behind it?
Super amazing page as always, and a great end of the year cliffhanger!
Noah is entering the nightmare...of a nightmare creature that was spawned by a magic user who's power is having nightmares?
Personally I think he'll meet Veda who's trapped away and she'll discover his real power.
Didn't she want to become some sort of magic god?
Happy New Year's Eve @Neoriceisgood!
Well it took near death for him to disappear inside of one's mind, definetely hoping for that. Will he appear in Cyril's mind?
Noah: "This is fine. I'm okay with the events that are unfolding currently. That's okay, things are going to be okay."
I am going to hazard a guess that Noah is going to go slip away unnoticed with Spirit Mask, as it is unlikely he will be saved again by Noel as he has just ran away. So no spiky green ball ;(
And so we hang on the cliffeth that is on the edgeth of thine seat, and prayeth the gods will look down favorably on thineth faithful emo-loner Noah.
Great work creator! I look forward to more of this fantastic comic, and I wish you a Happy New Years as well!
Happy new years man!!!