28635: random - Friday, November 12 2021 - 12:27 AM
Neo, I hate you for that pun. J/k, nice one, wish I had the chance to make it!
On another topic, I guess if you are scared sh*tless, you won't really able to move, would you? In that sense, Nail's advice is sound, but not really feasible (especially for Noah, who likes to stand around anyway... :D)
I also like the subtle glow on the right indicating where Ciel is/was.
28636: Tom - Friday, November 12 2021 - 1:24 AM
"Crack"? Not good, the thing is still going.
28637: The_Squished_Elf - Friday, November 12 2021 - 3:14 AM
Lol, Nail�€™s pissed!
28638: Potatopeelerkind - Friday, November 12 2021 - 4:24 AM
"Don't just stand there!"
>Noah sits instead.
28639: noname - Friday, November 12 2021 - 4:38 AM
He's got a point Noah, you really don't seem to have much in the way of self-preservation instincts.
28640: EstherTb - Friday, November 12 2021 - 4:42 AM
Oh his eyes are back to black
28641: Agent_Cook - Friday, November 12 2021 - 7:12 AM
*our boy proceeds to trip and spends the rest of the chapter lying on thw floor, motionless*
28642: Saiko - Friday, November 12 2021 - 8:28 AM
Noah, where's your potato chips? Or do you prefer popcorn?
28643: Whim - Friday, November 12 2021 - 9:03 AM
c'mon nail you're the one who took your eyes off him for like, a second
28644: Zed - Friday, November 12 2021 - 9:07 AM
Wait, that one time Noah spent ages on the ground, didn't Neo promise us a specific amount of comics that we wouldn't see him on the ground again?
Has it been that long?
28645: TheMegax - Friday, November 12 2021 - 11:35 AM
Is this what you were talking about?
Not exactly what you were talking about buuut close
28646: Person - Friday, November 12 2021 - 11:40 AM
I think so, yeah.
28647: Zed - Friday, November 12 2021 - 12:24 PM
If you go back 3 pages from that, you can see Neo promising that Noa will not trip for another 366 pages.
28648: Zed - Friday, November 12 2021 - 12:25 PM
Another reply, but hey! It has been exactly 366 pages since Noa last tripped!
28649: Ibri - Friday, November 12 2021 - 2:28 PM
Last panel he fused with the nightmare and is now its googly eyed face!
28650: Cellphone - Friday, November 12 2021 - 7:24 PM
Wait, is that Nail, or part of the nightmare? He doesn't seem to have his mask, instead having no face or eyes.
Neo, I hate you for that pun. J/k, nice one, wish I had the chance to make it!
On another topic, I guess if you are scared sh*tless, you won't really able to move, would you? In that sense, Nail's advice is sound, but not really feasible (especially for Noah, who likes to stand around anyway... :D)
I also like the subtle glow on the right indicating where Ciel is/was.
"Crack"? Not good, the thing is still going.
Lol, Nail�€™s pissed!
"Don't just stand there!"
>Noah sits instead.
He's got a point Noah, you really don't seem to have much in the way of self-preservation instincts.
Oh his eyes are back to black
*our boy proceeds to trip and spends the rest of the chapter lying on thw floor, motionless*
Noah, where's your potato chips? Or do you prefer popcorn?
c'mon nail you're the one who took your eyes off him for like, a second
Wait, that one time Noah spent ages on the ground, didn't Neo promise us a specific amount of comics that we wouldn't see him on the ground again?
Has it been that long?
Is this what you were talking about?
Not exactly what you were talking about buuut close
I think so, yeah.
If you go back 3 pages from that, you can see Neo promising that Noa will not trip for another 366 pages.
Another reply, but hey! It has been exactly 366 pages since Noa last tripped!
Last panel he fused with the nightmare and is now its googly eyed face!
Wait, is that Nail, or part of the nightmare? He doesn't seem to have his mask, instead having no face or eyes.