28590: someone - Wednesday, November 10 2021 - 1:08 AM
"The reason for that is that you let yourself get separated from the group."
28591: Tom - Wednesday, November 10 2021 - 1:18 AM
First, off, AMAZING darkness/nightmare effects.
That out of the way, my new headcannon for Ciel is talking like Glados.
28592: Random Ghost - Wednesday, November 10 2021 - 1:24 AM
Welp. Good bye Noah!
I wonder if the others noticed he accidently split off yet or not.
28593: Brilliand - Wednesday, November 10 2021 - 1:36 AM
Bad news: You're going to die.
Good news: I've figured out what's going to kill you!
28594: Nobody - Wednesday, November 10 2021 - 2:06 AM
Ciel should try to be more to the point with her answers. Maybe ask Varsuvius from Order of the Stick how to do it? ;-)
28595: noname - Wednesday, November 10 2021 - 3:18 AM
Are you kidding? V is so prone to sesquipedalian loquaciousness, Noah would be long dead by the time their explanation was anywhere near complete. And that's provided we're talking about post-Empire of Blood V -- if we're not then Noah would be dead long before they were done talking about how amazing they are to have figured out the mystery of the sporadic spirit presence.
28596: Lanth - Wednesday, November 10 2021 - 4:06 AM
@noname I believe that you're disremembering one little piece of factual information, it being how V's inability to in any way whatsoever shorten their speech has the almost spell-like ability of causing deep sleep on any creature so un/fortunate as to be nearby and pay the littlest of attentions to the speech bubble.
28597: Zyzyzyryxy - Wednesday, November 10 2021 - 5:07 AM
Nice to see so many OOTS fans here :D
If only Giant posted with frequency of at least the same order as Neorice does :P
28598: Kiithnaras - Wednesday, November 10 2021 - 5:37 AM
That is rich, Noah calling someone else useless ; )
28599: Whim - Wednesday, November 10 2021 - 6:00 AM
I think Ciel is drawing this out on purpose...Does she need him to be afraid?
28600: Agent_Cook - Wednesday, November 10 2021 - 7:39 AM
"Why am I in mortal danger?"
Ever get the feeling there are protagonists who pay no attention to their on stories?
28601: DDR - Wednesday, November 10 2021 - 10:01 AM
Perhaps this is sweet revenge for Noah annoying Ceil, she doesn't let it show but...
but yeah Noah's toast.
28602: UnknownID - Wednesday, November 10 2021 - 11:14 AM
Noah, you are in mortal danger, because you are afraid and the nightmare like this... :(
28603: Saiko - Wednesday, November 10 2021 - 11:15 AM
So, what is the reason you are so useless Ciel, hm?
28605: Dubu - Wednesday, November 10 2021 - 1:42 PM
Ciel wants Noah to use his power on better beings so she gets more power or something like that, Noah doesn't.
Making Noah panic so he uses his power seems like a solid plan unless he dies.
"The reason for that is that you let yourself get separated from the group."
First, off, AMAZING darkness/nightmare effects.
That out of the way, my new headcannon for Ciel is talking like Glados.
Welp. Good bye Noah!
I wonder if the others noticed he accidently split off yet or not.
Bad news: You're going to die.
Good news: I've figured out what's going to kill you!
Ciel should try to be more to the point with her answers. Maybe ask Varsuvius from Order of the Stick how to do it? ;-)
Are you kidding? V is so prone to sesquipedalian loquaciousness, Noah would be long dead by the time their explanation was anywhere near complete. And that's provided we're talking about post-Empire of Blood V -- if we're not then Noah would be dead long before they were done talking about how amazing they are to have figured out the mystery of the sporadic spirit presence.
@noname I believe that you're disremembering one little piece of factual information, it being how V's inability to in any way whatsoever shorten their speech has the almost spell-like ability of causing deep sleep on any creature so un/fortunate as to be nearby and pay the littlest of attentions to the speech bubble.
Nice to see so many OOTS fans here :D
If only Giant posted with frequency of at least the same order as Neorice does :P
That is rich, Noah calling someone else useless ; )
I think Ciel is drawing this out on purpose...Does she need him to be afraid?
"Why am I in mortal danger?"
Ever get the feeling there are protagonists who pay no attention to their on stories?
Perhaps this is sweet revenge for Noah annoying Ceil, she doesn't let it show but...
but yeah Noah's toast.
Noah, you are in mortal danger, because you are afraid and the nightmare like this... :(
So, what is the reason you are so useless Ciel, hm?
Ciel wants Noah to use his power on better beings so she gets more power or something like that, Noah doesn't.
Making Noah panic so he uses his power seems like a solid plan unless he dies.