22820: Some random dude - Friday, July 24 2020 - 1:05 AM
Hey, does the Discord server linked in the sidebar still exists ? The link is dead.
22821: Stefan - Friday, July 24 2020 - 1:27 AM
Fisrt text block: Very must be Every.
No surprise however Goldmans Golden Bullit missed again.
22822: Straightbackward - Friday, July 24 2020 - 1:32 AM
*Happy hype sounds*
22823: Fuz - Friday, July 24 2020 - 1:41 AM
Fucking finally!
*Hype intesifies*
22824: Tor - Friday, July 24 2020 - 1:44 AM
Whats hilarious is of course nothing is on stake here, because Burk managed to cheat them with the wording.
22825: Chris E. - Friday, July 24 2020 - 1:48 AM
I wonder how much time is actually left though.
22826: random - Friday, July 24 2020 - 2:08 AM
Oh boy! Will 3 minutes be enough for a definite conclusion, though?
22827: Woodledude - Friday, July 24 2020 - 2:47 AM
Now, here's the thing, for those of you saying that Burk cleverly worded things to not have to give anything away: Pablo is saying there's a lot at stake here. Which means there probably is. Pablo is a pretty smart cookie, I trust his assessment of the situation and he seems to think it's bad.
22828: Kobrag - Friday, July 24 2020 - 3:03 AM
Wip und teawr >w<
22829: Centaur - Friday, July 24 2020 - 3:28 AM
Ow. Shit, meet fan. Fan, this is shit.
22830: A Loquacious Theorizer - Friday, July 24 2020 - 3:28 AM
considering he didn�€™t call the bullet, and how the pose of golden goldman shifted, I don�€™t think that was a golden bullet, but instead either a control method or sprite re-use.
22831: Brilliand - Friday, July 24 2020 - 3:54 AM
Even if Burk didn't promise to tell them the details of his actual mission there, his promise *would* cover informing them that he wasn't sent by the Heroland Top at all, which still wouldn't be good for Pablo's group.
22832: someone - Friday, July 24 2020 - 4:06 AM
Pablo doesn't know the specific agreement made, though. He just thinks they have to reveal their investigation if he loses.
22833: Pheristroch - Friday, July 24 2020 - 4:15 AM
So on the one hand we've got a guy who only fights when he's sure to win and is likely unused to taking any real damage or being challenged.
On the other hand we've got Burk with nothing holding him back anymore.
Yeah...you might be hot stuff Goldman, but you're no Pirate of the Storm. 3 minutes is plenty.
22834: noname - Friday, July 24 2020 - 4:24 AM
@Loquacious You mean this is the enemy's Stand?!
22835: FINALLY - Friday, July 24 2020 - 4:50 AM
the name says it all
22836: Some guy - Friday, July 24 2020 - 5:07 AM
Sure. The real question is what he's gonna do with the remaining 179 seconds.
22837: Bisected - Friday, July 24 2020 - 5:29 AM
Do it for Pablo, Burk!
22838: Zed - Friday, July 24 2020 - 6:04 AM
For some reason, I almost feel like there's a chance that Burk will continue to refuse to fight.
They had that whole setup with the vote count focus & the Shaders coming in, after all, even numbering the original count earlier. Could be a red herring, or could be another hilarious result.
22839: Loyde - Friday, July 24 2020 - 6:54 AM
The Wurm: "Goldman ! What chances to win does he have ?"
Goldman (takes off his glasses) : It's over 90% !" (smashes his glasses)
22840: AnonymousPerson - Friday, July 24 2020 - 7:02 AM
Goldman: Why do I hear boss music?
22841: Lemon Wolf - Friday, July 24 2020 - 7:57 AM
I think Piper did Burk a favour and misrepresented the situation to Pablo, who now (mistakenly) understands the stakes are high enough for Burk to bring attention to himself.
22842: steven - Friday, July 24 2020 - 10:45 AM
he better lose his pants in the next 2 comics or im gonna riot
22843: Umbra - Friday, July 24 2020 - 1:02 PM
22844: Deliverance - Friday, July 24 2020 - 1:53 PM
@Lemon Wolf and others.
There is no reason to hypothesize Sabrina misrepresenting the situation or Pablo misunderstanding it.
Even assuming, as Pablo must and as we must consider possible (as it depends on Burk's unrevealed backstory), that Burk has no prior instructions from Heroland to reveal, having been caught spying on Goldman, the best case scenario for team Pablo's diplomatic intervention at this point is for Goldman & Co. to continue to believe that they are being spied on by the heroland top rather than being spied upon by another actor for an unknown reason.
22845: Storm - Friday, July 24 2020 - 2:50 PM
Hah, not a bad move!
After Pablo shouting that, presumably Goldman-'n-team will be more convinced that they're actually agents of the Heroland Top.
22846: Fluffynator - Friday, July 24 2020 - 3:19 PM
Goldman about to get fucked up
22847: Nitrotetrazole - Friday, July 24 2020 - 6:19 PM
Limit Break
22859: UnknownID - Saturday, July 25 2020 - 4:32 AM
Hey, does the Discord server linked in the sidebar still exists ? The link is dead.
Fisrt text block: Very must be Every.
No surprise however Goldmans Golden Bullit missed again.
*Happy hype sounds*
Fucking finally!
*Hype intesifies*
Whats hilarious is of course nothing is on stake here, because Burk managed to cheat them with the wording.
I wonder how much time is actually left though.
Oh boy! Will 3 minutes be enough for a definite conclusion, though?
Now, here's the thing, for those of you saying that Burk cleverly worded things to not have to give anything away: Pablo is saying there's a lot at stake here. Which means there probably is. Pablo is a pretty smart cookie, I trust his assessment of the situation and he seems to think it's bad.
Wip und teawr >w<
Ow. Shit, meet fan. Fan, this is shit.
considering he didn�€™t call the bullet, and how the pose of golden goldman shifted, I don�€™t think that was a golden bullet, but instead either a control method or sprite re-use.
Even if Burk didn't promise to tell them the details of his actual mission there, his promise *would* cover informing them that he wasn't sent by the Heroland Top at all, which still wouldn't be good for Pablo's group.
Pablo doesn't know the specific agreement made, though. He just thinks they have to reveal their investigation if he loses.
So on the one hand we've got a guy who only fights when he's sure to win and is likely unused to taking any real damage or being challenged.
On the other hand we've got Burk with nothing holding him back anymore.
Yeah...you might be hot stuff Goldman, but you're no Pirate of the Storm. 3 minutes is plenty.
@Loquacious You mean this is the enemy's Stand?!
the name says it all
Sure. The real question is what he's gonna do with the remaining 179 seconds.
Do it for Pablo, Burk!
For some reason, I almost feel like there's a chance that Burk will continue to refuse to fight.
They had that whole setup with the vote count focus & the Shaders coming in, after all, even numbering the original count earlier. Could be a red herring, or could be another hilarious result.
The Wurm: "Goldman ! What chances to win does he have ?"
Goldman (takes off his glasses) : It's over 90% !" (smashes his glasses)
Goldman: Why do I hear boss music?
I think Piper did Burk a favour and misrepresented the situation to Pablo, who now (mistakenly) understands the stakes are high enough for Burk to bring attention to himself.
he better lose his pants in the next 2 comics or im gonna riot
@Lemon Wolf and others.
There is no reason to hypothesize Sabrina misrepresenting the situation or Pablo misunderstanding it.
Even assuming, as Pablo must and as we must consider possible (as it depends on Burk's unrevealed backstory), that Burk has no prior instructions from Heroland to reveal, having been caught spying on Goldman, the best case scenario for team Pablo's diplomatic intervention at this point is for Goldman & Co. to continue to believe that they are being spied on by the heroland top rather than being spied upon by another actor for an unknown reason.
Hah, not a bad move!
After Pablo shouting that, presumably Goldman-'n-team will be more convinced that they're actually agents of the Heroland Top.
Goldman about to get fucked up
Limit Break
Yeah! Burk time! :D