Monday, January 27 2014 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

The Wish Amulet #2
Aristocrat don't look so greedy, it makes you look like a stereotypical villain.
Oh.. some of the things the aristocrat is saying might actually be important. Just so you guys know.
The front view of a character looks really good Neo. I'd kinda wondered what it'd look like since I started reading, and here we go. Nice!
He gave up his fortune. He can't be that greedy!
so the important thing is magic items and noble blood?
Can't wait to see (if) what Daryll wished for happens!
yay for another double page :D
The aristocrat would look a lot less alive if it did.
I am reasonably sure that it should be 'respond' in the second last panel, not 'responde'?
(Enjoying this, by the way)