Monday, July 22 2019 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Four heroes.
*Author's Note: For those who can't see the new banner: Daily summer updates starting tomorrow.*
Four heroes, don't think I've ever seen any of these guys before. Especially not that one guy.
So the second hero look's like he could be the older brother of the bandit leader/ ex captain of the guard, from the town Burk fell next to in the very beginning.
Could be totally off base there.
...foot fetish... oh boy
Hiding in the corner while dressed as a witch is such a mood.
@baronluke He does have a very distinctive forehead.
Uh-oh, Burk is unsupervised.
FINALLY! Some Burk action! Yay!
Oh hey, it's that guy!
For people who don't know:
The only one I recognized. Have the others also appeared somewhere?
Also, when will Pablo learn *never* to take his eyes off Burk...?
Damn, from where I'm from it's winter vacation.
But hey, free updates! Thank you Neo
Oh boy. Nonspecific Burk-instructions have led to entirely-expected, nonspecific Burk-action. Great going, Pablo. *golf-clap*
Aaaaaand he's gone. XD
Bonus updates! Hurray! :D
Daily updates? I'm sensing a fite.
They feel somewhat antiheroic for now. But maybe they will get an opportunity to shine when they have to deal with BURK.