15952: giovanni - Wednesday, January 31 2018 - 3:18 AM
aaaand he has already lost his pants
15953: Ladon - Wednesday, January 31 2018 - 4:16 AM
I never realized he wears a ponytail
15954: 0Anesthetic4u - Wednesday, January 31 2018 - 4:16 AM
Is Burk missing his pants?...
... OH GOD!!!
15955: Seikame - Wednesday, January 31 2018 - 4:59 AM
Your pixel sheeps are pure glory and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
15956: KidUrza - Wednesday, January 31 2018 - 5:18 AM
What does the speech bubble effect in panel 4 mean? Is he harmonizing with himself?
15957: Leo - Wednesday, January 31 2018 - 8:06 AM
15958: Mystix - Wednesday, January 31 2018 - 12:41 PM
I'm sad that we actually aren't going to get an arc where Burk frees the sheep.
15959: The Actual Hawkeye - Wednesday, January 31 2018 - 12:58 PM
TAG THIEF dw I don't actually care tbh since I rarely comment anymore.
15960: Guest - Wednesday, January 31 2018 - 1:30 PM
Okay, who taught Burk to use "that's classified"? He was difficult enough to understand when it was just his alien point-of-reference obfuscating things, but now he has picked up one piece of common language, and it happens to be the patron phrase of obfuscation...
@The Actual Hawkeye
Where did you last see your tag? Did you actually witness the theft? Are there any distinguishing features that could be used to verify that it is yours? You see, someone left a bucket of "Hawkeye" tags out on the street just around the corner where anyone could just grab one. With all those identical free tags out there, we can't verify that this one was stolen... Are you certain that your tag is even missing? It'd be mighty helpful if you'd search through your tag-bag one more time and just be sure that you don't still have your own.
15961: Whispers of Sorrow - Wednesday, January 31 2018 - 4:15 PM
... He's going to cuckold a sheep farmer isn't he?
Or worse: https://xkcd.com/1013/
15962: Atlas - Wednesday, January 31 2018 - 6:33 PM
What happened to my first comment why hasn't it shown up I typed it out almost two days ago.
15963: Enigman - Wednesday, January 31 2018 - 7:27 PM
@The Actual Hawkeye
You might say you're in need of a group that regulates the use of titles and also allows them to be handed over, indeed, but going through registration at such a tag agency far outweighs the perks. The other guy would need to make a modded moniker or imagine more (maybe mediocre) names as the first guy has it locked for himself in what amounts to freeze tag.
15964: Briggs - Wednesday, January 31 2018 - 9:06 PM
I can honestly say that burk is being such an adorable hero right now.
15967: Neoriceisgood - Wednesday, January 31 2018 - 11:02 PM
It never showed up in my comment list, I guess something went wrong with it.
15968: Atlas - Thursday, February 1 2018 - 12:11 AM
@nEO OK there was probably aa glitch in the transit s'all good
15974: Leo - Thursday, February 1 2018 - 8:58 AM
Your comment probably was sent before Neo posted his News Post attached to this comic. In that case, there is no database entry to attach your comment to, and it gets rejected.
15975: Saiko - Thursday, February 1 2018 - 9:43 AM
I don't know what his pose is to symbolise. Either he's (A) going to fly, or (B) to walk like an Egyptian. Would these sheep understand him? If they think option A, then they may be scared of him - raptors often attack sheep.
Liberators shouldn't scare the liberated, it's a wrong approach.
15976: Tor - Thursday, February 1 2018 - 4:46 PM
oh.. nice little detail.. he is missing that tooth still.
Nice callback to the APTGG filler page 292.
Gosh, I'm such a nerd...
Who wool free the poor sheeple from their baaaad tyrants. Their hope is rapidly fleecing.
And so, the pantsless hero returns. All is right in the world.
Burk is hilarious
I feel like his not actually as dumb as he looks, he just does not care about a lot of the things most people do..
not that hes actually SMART tho....
The sheep show disrespect to our heroic god, Burk ! We shall show him no mercy !
It seems that Piper cannot comprehend the casualties of war.
Exactly as it was already predicted from someone else here: Burk has no pants.
@HoSt Guess the probability is definitely 1.
Wake up, sheeple!
D�©jà vu
aaaand he has already lost his pants
I never realized he wears a ponytail
Is Burk missing his pants?...
... OH GOD!!!
Your pixel sheeps are pure glory and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
What does the speech bubble effect in panel 4 mean? Is he harmonizing with himself?
I'm sad that we actually aren't going to get an arc where Burk frees the sheep.
TAG THIEF dw I don't actually care tbh since I rarely comment anymore.
Okay, who taught Burk to use "that's classified"? He was difficult enough to understand when it was just his alien point-of-reference obfuscating things, but now he has picked up one piece of common language, and it happens to be the patron phrase of obfuscation...
@The Actual Hawkeye
Where did you last see your tag? Did you actually witness the theft? Are there any distinguishing features that could be used to verify that it is yours? You see, someone left a bucket of "Hawkeye" tags out on the street just around the corner where anyone could just grab one. With all those identical free tags out there, we can't verify that this one was stolen... Are you certain that your tag is even missing? It'd be mighty helpful if you'd search through your tag-bag one more time and just be sure that you don't still have your own.
... He's going to cuckold a sheep farmer isn't he?
Or worse: https://xkcd.com/1013/
What happened to my first comment why hasn't it shown up I typed it out almost two days ago.
@The Actual Hawkeye
You might say you're in need of a group that regulates the use of titles and also allows them to be handed over, indeed, but going through registration at such a tag agency far outweighs the perks. The other guy would need to make a modded moniker or imagine more (maybe mediocre) names as the first guy has it locked for himself in what amounts to freeze tag.
I can honestly say that burk is being such an adorable hero right now.
It never showed up in my comment list, I guess something went wrong with it.
@nEO OK there was probably aa glitch in the transit s'all good
Your comment probably was sent before Neo posted his News Post attached to this comic. In that case, there is no database entry to attach your comment to, and it gets rejected.
I don't know what his pose is to symbolise. Either he's (A) going to fly, or (B) to walk like an Egyptian. Would these sheep understand him? If they think option A, then they may be scared of him - raptors often attack sheep.
Liberators shouldn't scare the liberated, it's a wrong approach.
oh.. nice little detail.. he is missing that tooth still.