Monday, May 25 2009 - 3:13 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Pub Brawl #4
Here's the second page for today, as I didn't get to update the comic yesterday, see it as a little gift from me.
For those just checking in, I posted page 155 as well, so you might want to go back one page to read that if you missed it.
Otherwise the same old, vote, comment, post on the forums.
... if you love me. ;]
Peace out!
I like the out of nowhere appearance of Burk at the end, but i thought he liked big shows for the intro.
Burk is all smiles. I take it his trip to the restroom went well.
He punched a part of the guy's helmet off.
Either that or he had a spare ear in his fist.
I feel bad for Pablo; all those nifty words gone to waste!
And heeeeere's Burk-o! Let there be an awesome fight of awesomeness! Maybe we'll know why Mr. Blondie is chasing him soon?
I also noticed that Mr. Blondie's sound-effect had the word "bandit" in it... so maybe it's the bandit from the beginning of the comic? o_O
yes. Hence Neo's comment about redoing strikes he didn't think were up to snuff.
Burk beating him is presumably why he's chasing him.
Yup,that bandit dude returns.Burk is going to fix him right proper.
...That's some punch he's got, or some crappy metal. @_@
This "bandit" also looks like the Aristocrat from the reboot.