Sunday, May 24 2009 - 9:59 PM
By: Neoriceisgood

Pub Brawl #3
Sorry for the lack of update yesterday, I was busy all day as we had family weekend, and my brother had to sleep in my room as we were out of beds;
I had to go sleep when he wanted to sleep, so I couldn't do the comic at night either, leaving me with no time to do it.
Luckily I had a few panels finished, so I could update it rather early today.
You may want to pay attention to the site later on in the afternoon though, as I've got hours and hours left I might just do two pages in a day to compensate for yesterday, I'll see how it'll end up.
In the meantime, comment, vote, and either post on the forums or register to the forums, all of it makes me happy.
Hope everyone still enjoys the comic!
Hmmm let's see, there is a girl who with her thief equipment seems to be a perfect addition to an adventuring party.
And Burk's party is still lacking a robot, a cool guy with purple glowing swords and a girl (well and a mage, but I guess Pablo is stuck with that job)
The girl sure has a lot of equipment hidden within herself. She probably makes a clacking sound when she walks.
That was an awesome exchange or words and attacks. I'm surprised that Mr. Blondie was able to block the Guardsman Kick! with his arm, but maybe there's an explanation for that?
And that "lady" picked the wrong table to sit at :P
...And Hilarity Ensues. I love this comic...
Either this comic has a lot of Burk's relatives, or that guardsman has white hair underneath his helmet!
Now watch as I fervently read on in an attempt to discover: TRUTH!