Friday, July 22 2011 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Eugene the analyst
IMPORTANT NOTICE: I'm in France for the next 3 weeks or so.
I'm auto-updating my comic on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. (if it updates on another day blame my website guy!) I'm not sure if I'll get a chance to check the website before I come back, so I hope all goes well.
Kind regards, Neorice.
Woot, moar updates! I'm not posting in every one 'cause of my army business, but I'm definitely still reading/voting when I can.
Oh, one little mistake in the 3rd panel, Neo: the Order-dude should've said "Tell me about them", or something like that, to make it grammatically correct.
Hmm, I wonder how much they'll already know/guess about her predicament.
In panel 5, it should be "realize" with a z.
Actually, realise is the common UK spelling. And since Guido is Dutch, using UK spelling makes as much sense as anything.
You can say "Tell me the quirks." Tell me what they are, etc. :v
my goodness grammar vulture all up in this comick