Tuesday, June 2 2009 - 7:22 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Fowl of Winter #1.1
Bit of a filler, really; I gotta head out tomorrow and had to prepare today, so didn't really get to work on a more elaborate page.
I -think- my buddy and lover Jetryl'll take over the comic for the next four days or so, if you guys don't get any fillers while I'm gone, he's the one to blame.
I'll be back around Friday, peace out!
Fillers? You've got to be kidding me.
That hurts.
Have fun, heading out to whatever it is you're going to ^_^
Nothing to do with this particular comic, but Rank 34!!!
FILLERS! Every great comic has fillers.
Well... the bad comics do too... BUT STILL!