Thursday, May 21 2009 - 11:14 PM
By: Neoriceisgood

Pub Brawl #1
What do you mean the title is a spoiler?
New page, new faces.
For those who haven't noticed yet, we have a forum now!
Register, post and don't forget to vote [if you love me]
That is all.
p.s. if characters suddenly look different, it means I wasn't happy with the quality of their sprites, so improved em.
Burk must be tired of yelling battle-cries, so he just says "Money, meet pub. PUB. MEET. MONEY!"
The last panel cracked me up. I was expecting something climactic :P
And I can't wait to learn who the mysterious assailant is. Did he just change his hairdo, or is this the aforementioned sprite change?
Burk battles a toilet in the next comic.
No lie.
He's actually not mysterious at all. I admit, I forgot who he was too, but he is in fact, in the very first comic.
It's the leader of the dashing band of thieves (You will remember them from the first few pages) who steal from the poor and give to those poorer than the poor, themselves among those poorer than the poor.
Haha Burk is so adorable!
I want to tug on his side-burns! <3
That one guy... he bugs me. I think he's up to something fishy. His green shoes and shiny teeth are a sure-sign of that.
I hope Burk fixes 'im up right and proper.
I knew it was that thief,took me a sec to pin him since he had his eyes covered.And that brings back in the theory of the white haired knight being Burk's brother.
I think that is Burk's evil twin. :P